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Calculate factorials in C#




How can you calculate large factorials using C#? Windows calculator in Win 7 overflows at Factorial (3500). As a programming and mathematical question I am interested in knowing how you can calculate factorial of a larger number (20000, may be) in C#. Any pointers?

[Edit] I just checked with a calc on Win 2k3, since I could recall doing a bigger factorial on Win 2k3. I was surprised by the way things worked out.

  1. Calc on Win2k3 worked with even big numbers. I tried !50000 and I got an answer, 3.3473205095971448369154760940715e+213236

  2. It was very fast while I did all this.

The main question here is not only to find out the appropriate data type, but also a bit mathematical. If I try to write a simple factorial code in C# [recursive or loop], the performance is really bad. It takes multiple seconds to get an answer. How is the calc in Windows 2k3 (or XP) able to perform such a huge factorial in less than 10 seconds? Is there any other way of calculating factorial programmatically in C#?

like image 991
Rahul Soni Avatar asked Nov 15 '10 16:11

Rahul Soni

2 Answers

Have a look at the BigInteger structure:


Maybe this can help you implement this functionality.

CodeProject has an implementation for older versions of the framework at http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/biginteger.aspx.

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Pieter van Ginkel Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10

Pieter van Ginkel

If I try to write a simple factorial code in C# [recursive or loop], the performance is really bad. It takes multiple seconds to get an answer.

Let's do a quick order-of-magnitude calculation here for a naive implementation of factorial that performs n multiplications. Suppose we are on the last step. 19999! is about 218 bits. 20000 is about 25 bits; we'll assume that it is a 32 bit integer. The final multiplication therefore involves the addition of up to 25 partial results each roughly 218 bits long. The number of bit operations will therefore be on the order of 223.

That's for the last stage; there will be 20000 = 216 such operations at each stage, so that is a total of about 239 operations. Some of them will of course be cheaper, but we're going for an order of magnitude here.

A modern processor does about 232 operations per second. Therefore it will take about 27 seconds to get the result.

Of course, the big integer library writers were not naive; they take advantage of the ability of the chip to do many bit operations in parallel. They're probably doing the math in 32 bit chunks, giving speedups of a factor of 25. So our total order-of-magnitude calculation is that it should take about 22 seconds to get a result.

22 is 4. So your observation that it takes a few seconds to get a result is expected.

How is the calc in Windows 2k3 (or XP) able to perform such a huge factorial in less than 10 seconds?

I don't know. Extreme cleverness in exploiting the math operations on the chip probably. Or, using a non-naive algorithm for calculating factorial. Or, possibly they are using Stirling's Approximation and getting an inexact result.

Is there any other way of calculating factorial programmatically in C#?

Sure. If all you care about is the order of magnitude then you can use Stirling's Approximation. If you care about the exact value then you're going to have to compute it.

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Eric Lippert Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10

Eric Lippert