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calculate distance from all parts of polygon to closest points

I have two shapefiles: points and polygons. In the code below, I use gCentroid() from the rgeos package to calculate polygon centroids, and then I plot a buffer around the centroids.

I want to create a raster layer from the polygon that represents the distance from each cell to the closest point (red) that falls within the associated polygon buffer around the centroid.

For instance, in polygon unit A I show two hypothetical raster cells and indicate the straight line distance I'm looking to calculate.

enter image description here

Update 1: Create actual buffers based on @JMT2080AD's comment. Replacing the leaflet code.


url <- "https://www.dropbox.com/s/25n9c5avd92b0zu/example.zip?raw=1"
download.file(url, "example.zip")

myPolygon <- readOGR("myPolygon.shp")
proj4string(myPolygon) <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
myPolygon <- spTransform(myPolygon, CRS("+proj=robin +datum=WGS84"))

myPoints <- readOGR("myPoints.shp")
proj4string(myPoints) <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
myPoints <- spTransform(myPoints, CRS("+proj=robin +datum=WGS84"))

centroids <- gCentroid(myPolygon, byid=TRUE)
buffer <- gBuffer(centroids, width=5000, byid=TRUE)

plot(myPolygon, col="green")
plot(buffer, col="blue", add = T)
plot(centroids, pch = 20, col = "white", add = T)
plot(myPoints, pch = 20, col = "red", add = T)

I asked this question on gis.stackexchange, but in the context of QGIS. I'm re-posting the question and a new R MRE here because I think I have a better shot figuring this out in R. I don't know if there is a better way to migrate the question to SO and change the MRE at the same time.

like image 645
Eric Green Avatar asked Jan 02 '23 22:01

Eric Green

1 Answers

Here is my solution. I am using sf whenever possible. From my experience sf is not completely compatible with the raster functions yet, so there are a couple of workarounds here that aren't too ugly.

I am using different base data than what you provided.

Base Data



## We will create your polygons from points using a voronoi diagram
x <- runif(10, 640000, 641000)
y <- runif(10, 5200000, 5201000)

myPolyPoints <- data.frame(id = seq(x), x = x, y = y) %>%
    st_as_sf(coords = c("x", "y"))

## Creating the polygons here
myPolygons <- myPolyPoints$geometry %>%
    st_union %>%
    st_voronoi %>%

myPolygons <- st_sf(data.frame(id = seq(x), geometry = myPolygons)) %>%
    st_intersection(y = st_convex_hull(st_union(myPolyPoints)))

## Creating points to query with buffers then calculate distances to
polygonExt <- extent(myPolygons)
x <- runif(50, polygonExt@xmin, polygonExt@xmax)
y <- runif(50, polygonExt@ymin, polygonExt@ymax)

myPoints <- data.frame(id = seq(x), x = x, y = y) %>%
    st_as_sf(coords = c("x", "y"))

## Set projection info
st_crs(myPoints) <- 26910
st_crs(myPolygons) <- 26910

## View base data
plot(myPoints$geometry, add = T, col = 'blue')

## write out data
saveRDS(list(myPolygons = myPolygons,
             myPoints = myPoints),

The base data I generated looks like so:

View of base data

Distance Processing


## read in basedata
dat <- readRDS("./basedata.rds")

## makeing a grid of points at a resolution using the myPolygons extent
rast <- raster(extent(dat$myPolygons), resolution = 1, vals = 0, crs = st_crs(dat$myPoints))

## define a function that masks out the raster with each polygon, then
## generate a distance grid to each point with the masked raster
rastPolyInterDist <- function(maskPolygon, buffDist){
    maskPolygon <- st_sf(st_sfc(maskPolygon), crs = st_crs(dat$myPoints))
    mRas <- mask(rast, maskPolygon)
    cent <- st_centroid(maskPolygon)
    buff <- st_buffer(cent, buffDist)
    pSel <- st_intersection(dat$myPoints$geometry, buff)

    if(length(pSel) > 0){
        dRas <- distanceFromPoints(mRas, as(pSel, "Spatial"))
        return(dRas + mRas)

dat$distRasts <- lapply(dat$myPolygons$geometry,
                        buffDist = 100)

## merge all rasters back into a single raster
outRast <- dat$distRasts[[1]]

mergeFun <- function(mRast){
     outRast <<- merge(outRast, mRast)

lapply(dat$distRasts[2:length(dat$distRasts)], mergeFun)

## view output
plot(dat$myPoints$geometry, add = T)
dat$myPolygons$geometry %>%
    st_centroid %>%
    st_buffer(dist = 100) %>%
    plot(add = T)

The results can be seen below. You can see that there is a condition handled when the buffered centroid does not intersect any locations found in its polygon.

View of results

Using your base data, I have made the following edits to how your data is read and processed in R.

OP Base Data


url <- "https://www.dropbox.com/s/25n9c5avd92b0zu/example.zip?raw=1"
download.file(url, "example.zip")

myPolygons <- st_read("myPolygon.shp") %>%
    st_transform(st_crs("+proj=robin +datum=WGS84"))

myPoints <- st_read("myPoints.shp") %>%
    st_transform(st_crs("+proj=robin +datum=WGS84"))

centroids <- st_centroid(myPolygons)
buffer <- st_buffer(centroids, 5000)

plot(myPolygons, col="green")
plot(buffer, col="blue", add = T)
plot(centroids, pch = 20, col = "white", add = T)
plot(myPoints, pch = 20, col = "red", add = T)

saveRDS(list(myPoints = myPoints, myPolygons = myPolygons), "op_basedata.rds")

Distance Processing Using OP Data

To use the calculation routine I have suggested, you just need to modify the resolution of the starting raster, and the buffer distance input. Othewise it should behave the same once you read your data into R as I have outlined above.


## read in basedata
dat <- readRDS("./op_basedata.rds")

## makeing a grid of points at a resolution using the myPolygons extent
rast <- raster(extent(dat$myPolygons), resolution = 100, vals = 0, crs = st_crs(dat$myPoints))

## define a function that masks out the raster with each polygon, then
## generate a distance grid to each point with the masked raster
rastPolyInterDist <- function(maskPolygon, buffDist){
    maskPolygon <- st_sf(st_sfc(maskPolygon), crs = st_crs(dat$myPoints))
    mRas <- mask(rast, maskPolygon)
    cent <- st_centroid(maskPolygon)
    buff <- st_buffer(cent, buffDist)
    pSel <- st_intersection(dat$myPoints$geometry, buff)

    if(length(pSel) > 0){
        dRas <- distanceFromPoints(mRas, as(pSel, "Spatial"))
        return(dRas + mRas)

dat$distRasts <- lapply(dat$myPolygons$geometry,
                        buffDist = 5000)

## merge all rasters back into a single raster
outRast <- dat$distRasts[[1]]

mergeFun <- function(mRast){
     outRast <<- merge(outRast, mRast)

lapply(dat$distRasts[2:length(dat$distRasts)], mergeFun)

## view output
plot(dat$myPoints$geometry, add = T)
dat$myPolygons$geometry %>%
    st_centroid %>%
    st_buffer(dist = 5000) %>%
    plot(add = T)

View of OP results

like image 141
JMT2080AD Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 14:01