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Calculate distance between my location and a MapKit pin on Swift

I need your help, I'm working on an App where I have some pins (locations) and what I want is to get the distance between each one and my location. My code is the following

let annotation = MKPointAnnotation()
let annotationTwo = MKPointAnnotation()
let saintPaulHospitalBC = MKPointAnnotation()

override func viewDidLoad() {

    mapita.showsUserLocation = true // Mapita is the name of the MapView.

    annotation.coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 25.647399800, longitude: -100.334304500)

    annotationTwo.coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 25.589339000, longitude: -100.257724800)

    saintPaulHospitalBC.coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 49.280524700, longitude:  -123.128232600)

When I run the code, the map shows the pins, but what else can I do to start calculating the distance? Thank you!

like image 379
Daniel C. Avatar asked May 23 '17 16:05

Daniel C.

1 Answers

You're gonna have to convert the coordinates of your annotations to CLLocation types, then get the distance between them. To ignore the height of the coordinates, as they are 2D, just use the latitude and longitude properties of the 2D coordinates, like so:

let loc1 = CLLocation(latitude: coord1.latitude, longitude: coord1.longitude)

However, CLLocation has some other properties such as speed and height, so if you want to factor those in you'll have to give more information. To find the distance between the two locations, do this:

let distance = loc1.distance(from: loc2)

This will give your answer as a double in meters.

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brimstone Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11
