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CakePHP: How do I count the number of hasMany records in a find?

I have two models, Post hasMany Comment. How do I select all Post that have less than two Comment?

I tried using a find with 'fields'=>array('COUNT(Comment.id) as numComments','Post.*'), (and then doing a numComments < 2 in 'conditions'). But, I get a Unknown column 'Comment.id' in 'field list' error.


EDIT: I've gotten CakePHP to generate this query:

SELECT `Post`.*, FROM `posts` AS `Post` 
    LEFT JOIN comments AS `Comment` ON (`Post`.`id` = `Comment`.`text_request_id`)  
    WHERE COUNT(`Comment`.`id`) < 2 
    GROUP BY `Comment`.`post_id` 
    LIMIT 10

But I get an error #1111 - Invalid use of group function on the COUNT function.

EDIT: Resolved, use the HAVING COUNT instead of WHERE COUNT.

like image 670
atp Avatar asked Dec 02 '22 05:12


1 Answers

class Post extends AppModel
    var $name = "Post";
    var $hasMany = array('Comment'=>array('counterCache'=>true));

add comment_count fields into posts

an that's all :-)

like image 103
Aziz Avatar answered Jan 11 '23 18:01
