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CakePHP for big projects

We are evaluating some PHP Frameworks for a productive website. CakePHP looks pretty interesting but we have no clue if it fits our needs.

Basically when you check the documentation and the tutorials for CakePHP it looks really promising. Nevertheless there were always some things that bugged me with frameworks so far, maybe someone who already used CakePHP in a productive project could answer this questions for me?

  • Writing/Reading data for single records looks pretty neat in CakePHP. What happens if you want to read data from multiple tables with complex conditions, group by, where clauses? How does CakePHP handle it?
  • Scaffolding looks pretty nice for basic administration interfaces. How easy is it to customize this stuff. Let's say I have a foreign key on one of my tables. When I create a scaffolding page, does CakePHP automatically create a dropdown list for me with all the possible items? What if I want to filter the possible items? Let's say I want to combine two fields into one field in the view part, but when I edit it, I should be able to edit both of those fields individually. Does this work?
  • Do you think you were faster in development with CakePHP than with let's say plain PHP?
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nino Avatar asked Feb 10 '11 10:02


People also ask

Is learning CakePHP difficult?

CakePHP is an amazing PHP framework, but it has a steep learning curve!

What is CakePHP used for?

CakePHP is a PHP, object-oriented, Model-View-Controller framework, designed around providing the tooling to let you rapidly build web applications. CakePHP focuses on solving problems rapidly, by using conventions over configuration, to enable you to work sooner, without making a lot of decisions upfront.

Is CakePHP easy to learn?

Is CakePHP easy to learn? CakePHP is a powerful open-source PHP framework that is easy to learn. What is Blade in Laravel? The Blade is a templating engine in Laravel that offers unique templates and makes syntax writing easy.

What is the difference between PHP and CakePHP?

The difference between Core PHP and CakePHP is that PHP is a server-side scripting language for web development while CakePHP is an open source web framework written in PHP. Overall, CakePHP helps to build complex applications in a more sophisticated manner than PHP.

1 Answers

I've used CakePHP, Zend Framework and I've also written applications "from the ground up" with nothing more than homegrown classes and such. To that I'd like to mention that I use CakePHP regularly so, take that as you will.

  • (Writing/reading data, complex conditions) You can certainly do everything you mentioned. Others are correct in that it attempts to abstract away SQL operations for you. I've yet to have a query that I couldn't translate into Cake's "parlance"; complex geospatial queries, joins, etc.

  • (Scaffolding, complex conditions) The scaffolding is really only meant to serve as a "jump start" of sorts to help make sure your model associations and such are setup correctly and should not be used as a permanent solution. To that end, yes it will do a fairly good job at introspecting your relationships and providing relevant markup.

  • (Faster development) Of course. There is a large community with a vast number of plugins or examples out there to help get you started. Regardless of what you pick, choosing a framework will almost certainly make you "faster" if only for handling the minutiae that comes with setting up an application.

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joebeeson Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 06:09
