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Caching reverse proxy for dynamic content

I was thinking about asking on Software Recommendations, but then I've found out that it may be a too strange request and it needs some clarification first.

My points are:

  • Each response contains an etag
    • which is a hash of the content
    • and which is globally unique (with sufficient probability)
  • The content is (mostly) dynamic and may change anytime (expires and max-age headers are useless here).
  • The content is partly user-dependent, as given by the permissions (which itself change sometimes).

Basically, the proxy should contain a cache mapping the etag to the response content. The etag gets obtained from the server and in the most common case, the server does not deal with the response content at all.

It should go like follows: The proxy always sends a request to the server and then either

  • 1 the server returns only the etag and the proxy makes a lookup based on it and
    • 1.1 on cache hit,
      • it reads the response data from cache
      • and sends a response to the client
    • 1.2 on cache miss,
      • it asks the server again and then
      • the server returns the response with content and etag,
      • the proxy stores it in its cache
      • and sends a response to the client
  • 2 or the server returns the response with content and etag,
    • the proxy stores the data in its cache
    • and sends a response to the client

For simplicity, I left out the handling of the if-none-match header, which is rather obvious.

My reason for this is that the most common case 1.1 can be implemented very efficiently in the server (using its cache mapping requests to etags; the content isn't cached in the server), so that most requests can be handled without the server dealing with the response content. This should be better than first getting the content from a side cache and then serving it.

In case 1.2, there are two requests to the server, which sounds bad, but is no worse than the server asking a side cache and getting a miss.

Q1: I wonder, how to map the first request to HTTP. In case 1, it's like a HEAD request. In case 2, it's like GET. The decision between the two is up to the server: If it can serve the etag without computing the content, then it's case 1, otherwise, it's case 2.

Q2: Is there a reverse proxy doing something like this? I've read about nginx, HAProxy and Varnish and it doesn't seem to be the case. This leads me to Q3: Is this a bad idea? Why?

Q4: If not, then which existing proxy is easiest to adapt?

An Example

A GET request like /catalog/123/item/456 from user U1 was served with some content C1 and etag: 777777. The proxy stored C1 under the key 777777.

Now the same request comes from user U2. The proxy forwards it, the server returns just etag: 777777 and the proxy is lucky, finds C1 in its cache (case 1.1) and sends it to U2. In this example, neither the clients not the proxy knew the expected result.

The interesting part is how could the server know the etag without computing the answer. For example, it can have a rule stating that requests of this form return the same result for all users, assuming that the given user is allowed to see it. So when the request from U1 came, it computed C1 and stored the etag under the key /catalog/123/item/456. When the same request came from U2, it just verified that U2 is permitted to see the result.

like image 674
maaartinus Avatar asked Nov 21 '17 21:11


People also ask

How does the caching proxy work?

The Caching Proxy can cache and serve static content and content that is dynamically generated by WebSphere® Application Server.

What are HTTP reverse proxies?

HTTP reverse proxies like Varnish, NGINX, and IIS are another way to cache dynamic content. Some of them like NGINX and IIS also act as a primary web server. Typically, a reverse proxy is a server (physical or virtual) placed between the client and the web server.

What is dynamic content caching and how does it work?

Dynamic content caching helps you to improve your site’s Time to First Byte (TTFB), reduce your hosting costs, achieve better SEO, and increase your conversion rates. By expanding your cache to include dynamic content too, you can have a dramatic effect on your site’s performance.

How does varnish help with caching Dynamic Content?

This is how Varnish helps with caching dynamic content. Varnish cache reduces the load on the web server Varnish stores its cache in server memory, making retrieving and delivering responses to clients much faster. For a detailed explanation, read WP Rocket’s article on HTTP reverse proxies.

1 Answers

Q1: It is a GET request. The server can answer with an "304 not modified" without body.

Q2: openresty (nginx with some additional modules) can do it, but you will need to implement some logic yourself (see more detailed description below).

Q3: This sounds like a reasonable idea given the information in your question. Just some food for thought:

  • You could also split the page in user-specific and generic parts which can be cached independently.

  • You shouldn't expect the cache to keep the calculated responses forever. So, if the server returns a 304 not modified with etag: 777777 (as per your example), but the cache doesn't know about it, you should have an option to force re-building the answer, e.g. with another request with a custom header X-Force-Recalculate: true.

  • Not exactly part of your question, but: Make sure to set a proper Vary header to prevent caching issues.

  • If this is only about permissions, you could maybe also work with permission infos in a signed cookie. The cache could derive the permission from the cookie without asking the server, and the cookie is tamper proof due to the signature.

Q4: I would use openresty for this, specifically the lua-resty-redis module. Put the cached content into a redis key-value-store with the etag as key. You'd need to code the lookup logic in Lua, but it shouldn't be more than a couple of lines.

like image 196
Bernhard Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09
