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C++14 increment a value inside of lambda function with capture-specifier





My task is to write a lambda function which increment a value, but I have to use value = 0 capture-specifier. I'm thinking about the following function:

auto lambda = [value = 0]{return ++value}

When this function is called it has to give an incremented value every time. But I know this implementation is wrong, because it's passed by value. How can I do this in C++14?

like image 806
kbenda Avatar asked Apr 09 '17 16:04


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Much like functions can change the value of arguments passed by reference, we can also capture variables by reference to allow our lambda to affect the value of the argument. To capture a variable by reference, we prepend an ampersand ( & ) to the variable name in the capture.

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Permalink. All the alternatives to passing a lambda by value actually capture a lambda's address, be it by const l-value reference, by non-const l-value reference, by universal reference, or by pointer.

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Because captured variables are members of the lambda object, their values are persisted across multiple calls to the lambda! Much like functions can change the value of arguments passed by reference, we can also capture variables by reference to allow our lambda to affect the value of the argument.

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2 Answers

You need to make the lambda mutable:

auto lambda = [value = 0]() mutable {return ++value;};
like image 94
Richard Hodges Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 11:11

Richard Hodges

You don't need a capture:

[]{ static int i=0; return ++i; }

Is all you need.

like image 42
rubenvb Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 13:11
