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C++11 code with inheritance doesn't compile with clang

I have a small program with such simple code:

namespace override
    using final = void();

namespace final
    using override = void(int);

    struct final
        virtual override override;
        virtual ::override::final override;

int main()
    struct final final : ::final::final
        ::final::override override override final;
        ::override::final override final override;

    // doesn't compile
    struct override : final


Unfortunately it doesn't compile. I tried to compile it with following pieces of code:

// 1
struct override final


// 2    
override : final


And both of these variants compile fine. Is it an error in my compiler (clang 3.4)? I can't also understand why my original code doesn't compile.

See live example.

Update: It was an April Fool's day joke, of course. Thanks to all who participated in the discussion. I also thank @ecatmur for his exact but too serious answer.

I wanted to get the code that would have looked strange and at the same time would have compiled with one compiler at least (because it would have given respectability to my question). So my goal was not to create a standard-compliant code. But as @Johannes Schaub - litb noted in comments this code has at least one problem which make it ill-formed. The line virtual override override; is a violation the following rule (see paragraph [basic.scope.class] 3.3.7/1 of the standard):

A name N used in a class S shall refer to the same declaration in its context and when re-evaluated in the completed scope of S. No diagnostic is required for a violation of this rule.

As I can see it can be rewritten as virtual ::final::override override; to become a standard-compliant.

like image 460
Constructor Avatar asked Apr 01 '14 17:04


Video Answer

1 Answers

Why would you expect it to compile? final is final, so you can't inherit from it.

In your other code:

struct override final


This is defining a final class with no base classes, so that's fine.

override : final


This is declaring a label override, and at that label creating a prvalue temporary of type final initialized with the brace-initializer {}, which is immediately destroyed:

like image 53
ecatmur Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09
