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C++: weird error "expected initializer before extern" in library SDL_image.h





I'm currently trying to make a simple game with SDL and Box2D. Unfortunately, the code I added to make the character shoot proyectiles is so buggy I can't even begin to count the errors. To deal with this I added some code to show some debug info in the game. Unfortunately, after dealing with all the errors a weird error that didn't appear before popped up:

/usr/include/SDL/SDL_image.h|34|error: expected initializer before ‘extern’|
||=== Build finished: 1 errors, 0 warnings ===|

The code in SDL_image.h that causes this is:

/* Set up for C function definitions, even when using C++ */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

I have no idea what causes this error message to appear, or how to solve this. There are no error messages on my code. I don't think there's anything wrong with the library because other game I did compiles just file. This is the only error that pops up.

like image 345
Magnus Avatar asked Jul 29 '11 16:07


People also ask

How to install SDL_image library?

You need to install SDL_image library like mentioned in the other answers, if you are on a Debian based systems you can simply install with the following command: In the third tutorial of lazyfoo is completely explained. Basically, you must add "-lSDL_image" to the compilation line.

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SDL library in C/C++ with examples. SDL is Simple DirectMedia Layer.It is a cross-platform development library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D.It can be used to make animations and video games.

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It's not shipped with SDL. For those who are using SDL2, the file name has changed to "SDL2_image.h". See documentation: wiki.libsdl.org/MigrationGuide#line-435

1 Answers

Have a look at the end of the header files that are included before this one. My guess is that there's a missing ; after a class definition.

like image 177
Mike Seymour Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 13:10

Mike Seymour