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C vs C++ switch statement variable definition vs declaration


I was playing with some syntax and found some strange compiler rules, was wondering what the reasoning is for this

C will not compile this but C++ will:

switch (argc) { case 0:     int foo;     break; default:     break; } 

Both C and C++ will compile this:

switch (argc) { case 0:     ; int foo;     break; default:     break; } 

C will compile this but not C++:

switch (argc) { case 0:     ; int foo = 0;     break; default:     break; } 

gcc -v is gcc version 4.9.3 (MacPorts gcc49 4.9.3_0) if it matters. I realize the solution is to wrap the contents of case 0: with curly brackets, but I am more interested in the reasoning for compilation errors

like image 375
asimes Avatar asked Jul 22 '15 04:07


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Do not declare variables inside a switch statement before the first case label. According to the C Standard, 6.8.

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1 Answers

case 0:     int foo; 

In both C and C++ a labeled statement is a label followed by a statement. However in C++ the definition of a statement includes "block declarations" (that is declarations and definitions that may appear in a block) whereas in C it does not (in C a block is a sequence of "block items", which are either block declarations or statements - in C++ it's a sequence of statements, which include block declarations).

case 0:     ; int foo; 

This works because ; is a(n empty) statement in both C and C++, so here we indeed have a label followed by a statement.

case 0:     ; int foo = 0; 

As was already explained in the comments, this does not work in C++ because C++ makes it illegal to jump over an initialization.

like image 61
sepp2k Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 15:10
