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C# using the "this" keyword in this situation?





I've completed a OOP course assignment where I design and code a Complex Number class. For extra credit, I can do the following:

  1. Add two complex numbers. The function will take one complex number object as a parameter and return a complex number object. When adding two complex numbers, the real part of the calling object is added to the real part of the complex number object passed as a parameter, and the imaginary part of the calling object is added to the imaginary part of the complex number object passed as a parameter.

  2. Subtract two complex numbers. The function will take one complex number object as a parameter and return a complex number object. When subtracting two complex numbers, the real part of the complex number object passed as a parameter is subtracted from the real part of the calling object, and the imaginary part of the complex number object passed as a parameter is subtracted from the imaginary part of the calling object.

I have coded this up, and I used the this keyword to denote the current instance of the class, the code for my add method is below, and my subtract method looks similar:

 public ComplexNumber Add(ComplexNumber c)
    double realPartAdder = c.GetRealPart();
    double complexPartAdder = c.GetComplexPart();

    double realPartCaller = this.GetRealPart();
    double complexPartCaller = this.GetComplexPart();

    double finalRealPart = realPartCaller + realPartAdder;
    double finalComplexPart = complexPartCaller + complexPartAdder;

    ComplexNumber summedComplex = new ComplexNumber(finalRealPart, finalComplexPart);

    return summedComplex;

My question is: Did I do this correctly and with good style? (using the this keyword)?

like image 336
Alex Avatar asked Dec 04 '09 08:12


2 Answers

The use of the this keyword can be discussed, but it usually boils down to personal taste. In this case, while being redundant from a technical point of view, I personally think it adds clarity, so I would use it as well.

like image 66
Fredrik Mörk Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 21:10

Fredrik Mörk

Use of the redundant this. is encouraged by the Microsoft coding standards as embodied in the StyleCop tool.

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Steve Gilham Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 20:10

Steve Gilham