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C-style macros in Go




I've been playing with go for a week and something I miss from C is preprocessor macros.

What could I use to get this feature, besides hacking a build script that pipes go files through clang -E ?

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toasted_flakes Avatar asked Dec 14 '12 09:12


2 Answers

As mentioned in the comments, build flags are probably the best way to solve whatever you need. For example, if you wanted to have some features only available in development, use a dev flag:

File constants_dev.go:

// +build dev
const DEVELOPMENT = true

File constants_pro.go

// +build !dev
const DEVELOPMENT = false

Then in your code, just do a simple if DEVELOPMENT { blah... }. I find this much more readable than any preprocessor. This can get quite messy if you have a lot of build flags, but at that point you should probably be using command-line arguments instead.

In your comment, you mentioned duplication of code. If your code is really that repetitive, you should probably be putting it in a function anyway, or possibly restructure code to reuse the bits that are repetitive. Personally, I find that anything beyond simple boolean checks ends in hard to maintain code, especially with C-style macros.

It's the same thing with generics. In one Java library I've used, the class signature was something like this:

class Thing<A, B, C, D, E>

The library wasn't very well documented, so I had to read a significant amount of the code (both implementation and code that uses the library) to understand what was going on.

In Go, the language forces a style that generally leads to better, self-documenting code. I think the Go developers omitted things like a preprocessor and generics to avoid temptation to write hard to maintain, but clever, code.

I would advise you to try out the Go way before looking back on old idioms that you used before. I think you'll find that most of what macros and #defines were used for are largely irrelevant.

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beatgammit Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 04:09


I think cpp, m4 or whatever may fulfill your desire to have Go preprocessed. If it's a good idea or not is a decision of yours, but be warned that any preprocessing is a substantial obstacle for adoption of any published Go code. (And for example, the build being dependent on makefiles is the same story.)

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zzzz Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09
