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C# Struct instance behavior changes when captured in lambda


I've got a work around for this issue, but I'm trying to figure out why it works . Basically, I'm looping through a list of structs using foreach. If I include a LINQ statement that references the current struct before I call a method of the struct, the method is unable to modify the members of the struct. This happens regardless of whether the LINQ statement is even called. I was able to work around this by assigning the value I was looking for to a variable and using that in the LINQ, but I would like to know what is causing this. Here's an example I created.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace WeirdnessExample
    public struct RawData
        private int id;

        public int ID
            get{ return id;}
            set { id = value; }

        public void AssignID(int newID)
            id = newID;

    public class ProcessedData
        public int ID { get; set; }

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<ProcessedData> processedRecords = new List<ProcessedData>();
            processedRecords.Add(new ProcessedData()
                ID = 1

            List<RawData> rawRecords = new List<RawData>();
            rawRecords.Add(new RawData()
                ID = 2

            int i = 0;
            foreach (RawData rawRec in rawRecords)
                int id = rawRec.ID;
                if (i < 0 || i > 20)
                    List<ProcessedData> matchingRecs = processedRecords.FindAll(mr => mr.ID == rawRec.ID);

                Console.Write(String.Format("With LINQ: ID Before Assignment = {0}, ", rawRec.ID)); //2
                rawRec.AssignID(id + 8);
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("ID After Assignment = {0}", rawRec.ID)); //2

            rawRecords = new List<RawData>();
            rawRecords.Add(new RawData()
                ID = 2

            i = 0;
            foreach (RawData rawRec in rawRecords)
                int id = rawRec.ID;
                if (i < 0)
                    List<ProcessedData> matchingRecs = processedRecords.FindAll(mr => mr.ID == id);
                Console.Write(String.Format("With LINQ: ID Before Assignment = {0}, ", rawRec.ID)); //2
                rawRec.AssignID(id + 8);
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("ID After Assignment = {0}", rawRec.ID)); //10

like image 873
user1097991 Avatar asked Nov 28 '12 17:11


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1 Answers

Okay, I've managed to reproduce this with a rather simpler test program, as shown below, and I now understand it. Admittedly understanding it doesn't make me feel any less nauseous, but hey... Explanation after code.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

struct MutableStruct
    public int Value { get; set; }

    public void AssignValue(int newValue)
        Value = newValue;

class Test
    static void Main()
        var list = new List<MutableStruct>()
            new MutableStruct { Value = 10 }

        Console.WriteLine("Without loop variable capture");
        foreach (MutableStruct item in list)
            Console.WriteLine("Before: {0}", item.Value); // 10
            Console.WriteLine("After: {0}", item.Value);  // 30
        // Reset...
        list[0] = new MutableStruct { Value = 10 };

        Console.WriteLine("With loop variable capture");
        foreach (MutableStruct item in list)
            Action capture = () => Console.WriteLine(item.Value);
            Console.WriteLine("Before: {0}", item.Value);  // 10
            Console.WriteLine("After: {0}", item.Value);   // Still 10!

The difference between the two loops is that in the second one, the loop variable is captured by a lambda expression. The second loop is effectively turned into something like this:

// Nested class, would actually have an unspeakable name
class CaptureHelper
    public MutableStruct item;

    public void Execute()

// Second loop in main method
foreach (MutableStruct item in list)
    CaptureHelper helper = new CaptureHelper();
    helper.item = item;
    Action capture = helper.Execute;

    MutableStruct tmp = helper.item;
    Console.WriteLine("Before: {0}", tmp.Value);

    tmp = helper.item;

    tmp = helper.item;
    Console.WriteLine("After: {0}", tmp.Value);

Now of course each time we copy the variable out of helper we get a fresh copy of the struct. This should normally be fine - the iteration variable is read-only, so we'd expect it not to change. However, you have a method which changes the contents of the struct, causing the unexpected behaviour.

Note that if you tried to change the property, you'd get a compile-time error:

Test.cs(37,13): error CS1654: Cannot modify members of 'item' because it is a
    'foreach iteration variable'


  • Mutable structs are evil
  • Structs which are mutated by methods are doubly evil
  • Mutating a struct via a method call on an iteration variable which has been captured is triply evil to the extent of breakage

It's not 100% clear to me whether the C# compiler is behaving as per the spec here. I suspect it is. Even if it's not, I wouldn't want to suggest the team should put any effort into fixing it. Code like this is just begging to be broken in subtle ways.

like image 54
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 05:10

Jon Skeet