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C++ string parsing (python style)


I love how in python I can do something like:

points = []
for line in open("data.txt"):
    a,b,c = map(float, line.split(','))
    points += [(a,b,c)]

Basically it's reading a list of lines where each one represents a point in 3D space, the point is represented as three numbers separated by commas

How can this be done in C++ without too much headache?

Performance is not very important, this parsing only happens one time, so simplicity is more important.

P.S. I know it sounds like a newbie question, but believe me I've written a lexer in D (pretty much like C++) which involves reading some text char by char and recognizing tokens,
it's just that, coming back to C++ after a long period of python, just makes me not wanna waste my time on such things.

like image 215
hasen Avatar asked Feb 11 '09 09:02


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1 Answers

I`d do something like this:

ifstream f("data.txt");
string str;
while (getline(f, str)) {
    Point p;
    sscanf(str.c_str(), "%f, %f, %f\n", &p.x, &p.y, &p.z); 

x,y,z must be floats.

And include:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
like image 170
klew Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10
