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C# safely build an SQL string to execute using Entity Framework

I'm executing some SQL using EF with the .SqlQuery(string sql) command.

I want to make sure my sql string is completely sanitised, so the logic approach was to use an SqlCommand object with parameters to build it.

However I don't want to execute it using the SqlCommand, I just want the SqlCommand to spit out a string that I can plug into my EF .SqlQuery(...) call.

Is there a way of doing this, or another method of ensuring my .SqlQuery won't result in injection?

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NibblyPig Avatar asked Jul 25 '13 14:07


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1 Answers

Doesn't EF support that out of the box?

You should be able to call SqlQuery with parameters, so it will take care of SQL injection etc., just like SqlCommand does:

var tests = context.Database.SqlQuery<Test>(
    @"SELECT Id, Name FROM tests where Name={0}", "TestName");


var tests = context.Database.SqlQuery<Test>(
    @"SELECT Id, Name FROM tests where Name=@name", 
    new SqlParameter("@name", "TestName"));
like image 178
Peter Hansen Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10

Peter Hansen