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C++: returning by reference and copy constructors


People also ask

Does return by value call copy constructor?

The copy constructor is called because you call by value not by reference. Therefore a new object must be instantiated from your current object since all members of the object should have the same value in the returned instance.

Does passing by reference call copy constructor?

The point of "pass by reference" is to not make a copy as soon as Employee constructor is called, but only when you choose to initialize one of Employee's member with the Date passed.

Why copy constructor take reference?

A copy constructor defines what copying means,So if we pass an object only (we will be passing the copy of that object) but to create the copy we will need a copy constructor, Hence it leads to infinite recursion. So, A copy constructor must have a reference as an argument.

When an object of the class is returned by value copy constructor?

In C++, a Copy Constructor may be called for the following cases: 1) When an object of the class is returned by value. 2) When an object of the class is passed (to a function) by value as an argument. 3) When an object is constructed based on another object of the same class.

References in C++ are baffling me. :)

The basic idea is that I'm trying to return an object from a function. I'd like to do it without returning a pointer (because then I'd have to manually delete it), and without calling the copy-constructor, if possible (for efficiency, naturally added: and also because I wonder if I can't avoid writing a copy constructor).

So, all in all, here are the options for doing this that I have found:

  • The function return type can be either the class itself (MyClass fun() { ... }) or a reference to the class (MyClass& fun() { ... }).
  • The function can either construct the variable at the line of return (return MyClass(a,b,c);) or return an existing variable (MyClass x(a,b,c); return x;).
  • The code that receives the variable can also have a variable of either type: (MyClass x = fun(); or MyClass& x = fun();)
  • The code which receives the variable can either create a new variable on the fly (MyClass x = fun();) or assign it to an existing variable (MyClass x; x = fun();)

And some thoughts on that:

  • It seems to be a bad idea to have the return type MyClass& because that always results in the variable being destroyed before it gets returned.
  • The copy constructor only seems to get involved when I return an existing variable. When returning a variable constructed in the line of return, it never gets called.
  • When I assign the result to an existing variable, the destructor also always kicks in before the value is returned. Also, no copy constructor gets called, yet target variable does receive the member values of the object returned from the function.

These results are so inconsistent that I feel totally confused. So, what EXACTLY is happening here? How should I properly construct and return an object from a function?