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C# - Remove a item from list of KeyValuePair




How can I remove a item from list of KeyValuePair?

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Edumenna Avatar asked Oct 22 '09 17:10


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2 Answers

If you have both the key and the value you can do the following

public static void Remove<TKey,TValue>(
  this List<KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>> list,
  TKey key,
  TValue value) {
  return list.Remove(new KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>(key,value)); 

This works because KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue> does not override Equality but is a struct. This means it uses the default value equality. This simply compares the values of the fields to test for equality. So you simply need to create a new KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue> instance with the same fields.


To respond to a commenter, what value does an extension method provide here?

Justification is best seen in code.

list.Remove(new KeyValuePair<int,string>(key,value));

Also in the case where either the key or value type is an anonymous type, an extension method is required.


Here's a sample on how to get KeyValuePair where one of the 2 has an anonymous type.

var map = 
  Select(x => new { Id = x, Value = x.ToString() }).
  ToDictionary(x => x.Id);

The variable map is a Dicitonary<TKey,TValue> where TValue is an anonymous type. Enumerating the map will produce a KeyValuePair with the TValue being the same anonymous type.

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JaredPar Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09


Here are a few examples of removing an item from a list of KeyValuePair:

// Remove the first occurrence where you have key and value
items.Remove(new KeyValuePair<int, int>(0, 0));

// Remove the first occurrence where you have only the key
items.Remove(items.First(item => item.Key.Equals(0)));

// Remove all occurrences where you have the key
items.RemoveAll(item => item.Key.Equals(0));


// Remove the first occurrence where you have the item
like image 27
Derek Greer Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Derek Greer