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C++: push_back in std::vector while iterating it

Following code snippet provides a very weird output. I was expecting an overflow( Python gives a MemoryError)

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main()
    std::vector<int> a{1,2,3};

    for( auto const & item : a)

    for( auto const & item : a)

    return 0;

Output: 1,2,3,1,0,3,

How do I interpret this result?

If you do a similar thing in Python, it gives a memory error.

>>> a = range(0,20)
>>> for i in a:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#3>", line 2, in <module>


This question came to my mind, because above way of writing code is considered to be bound-safe. And for bound safety container should not grow/shrink during foreach type iteration. So, this is a leaky abstraction.

Is there a way one can wrap this foreach loop so that any operation causing size-modification/reallocation is not allowed in the loop body.

like image 742
jha-G Avatar asked Mar 11 '16 10:03


1 Answers

In C++ adding elements to a vector may cause reallocation of the contained data, which will invalidate all iterators. That means you can't loop over the vector using iterators (which is what the range-based for loop does) while also inserting new elements.

You can however iterate using indexes and use the vector size as condition, since indexes will always be the same.

like image 174
Some programmer dude Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

Some programmer dude