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c++ problems with temporary ostream objects

I thought to transform this working code:

ofstream outfile("my_file.txt");
copy(v.begin(), v.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(outfile));

into this:

copy(v.begin(), v.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(ofstream("my_file.txt")));

In other words, I use an "anonymous", or unnamed, version of the ofstream object.

Two questions:

(1) Why does the second attempt fail?

(2) Is the second attempt even good stylistically, or is it better in C++ to keep everything explicitly named? I'm coming from a Python background, where objects are created on the fly all the time.


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Jason Avatar asked Oct 21 '22 16:10


1 Answers

The ostream_iterator<T> constructor takes a non-const reference to a stream object, while temporaries can be passed at most as const references (at least in C++03); the rationale for this is well explained in this question.

By the way, here there wasn't much choice about how to pass the stream: a const reference wouldn't have made sense (the ostream_iterator has to modify the stream), and a plain ostream isn't acceptable because it is non-copyable (slicing would kill polymorphism).

In Python you can get away with constructing/passing stuff on the fly because you are always dealing with references to reference-counted (and garbage-collected) objects.

The C++ object semantic is radically different - an object is an object, not a reference; to obtain a semantic similar to Python's you would have to allocate every object dynamically with new and pass them around wrapped in shared_ptr<T>.

is it better in C++ to keep everything explicitly named

Not necessarily - it's perfectly normal to create temporaries, but you must be aware of what you can and cannot do with them, how references affect their lifetime, etc.

like image 80
Matteo Italia Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 23:10

Matteo Italia