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C# prevent base class method from being hidden by new modifier in the derived class




Here's my situation. In Java I can mark a method as final in the base/super class and there is no way a derived class can mask a method of the same signature. In C# however, the new keyword allows someone inheriting my class to create a method with the same signature.

See my example below. I need to keep the orignal.MyClass public so please don't suggest that as an answer. This seems to be a lost feature moving from Java to C#

public class orignal.MyClass{
    public void MyMethod()
     // Do something

class fake.MyClass: orignal.MyClass {
    // How to prevent the following
    public new void MyMethod()
     // Do something different

EDIT: Not a duplicate.

All answers seem to suggest, it's not possible to prevent a method from being hidden/shadowed in a derived class. This became apparent while migrating some old Java code to C#. A final method in Java will not let anybody use the same method signature in any derived class. While it's great in most scenarios that C# allows a method of same signature in the derived class, it would have been great to prevent such a behavior if warranted.

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JAson Avatar asked Aug 07 '13 20:08


2 Answers

// How to prevent the following

There is no way to prevent this. It's allowed by the language.

Note that, in practice, this rarely matters. If you expect your base class to be used as your class, your method will still be called. Using new only hides the method when using the DerivedClass from a a variable declared as DerivedClass.

This means that your API, if built around MyClass, will always still call MyMethod when instances are passed into your methods.

Edit in response to comments:

If you are worried about people subclassing your class in general, the only real option you do have would be to seal your class:

public sealed class MyClass

This will prevent people from creating a subclass entirely. If you want to allow people to derive from your class, however, there is no way to prevent them from hiding your method in their class.

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Reed Copsey Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09

Reed Copsey

You can't prevent a public method or property being masked, but why would you? It takes a deliberate action from whoever extends the base class to do this (i.e. they need to type new), so they have intended to do it, why try and stop them?

Maybe you need to switch your pattern up a bit? If the extender must use your base method then you can put something critical in it, thus forcing them to call it. Of course this is smelly if not done correctly, so if you use this approach then mark your method as virtual, then in the documentation (or method header comments) mention that the base method must be called. This way you avoid the extender having to hide/mask your method (although they still could), but they can still extend it if they want.

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slugster Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09
