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C# Predicate Builder with "NOT IN" functionality

With PredicateBuilder how do I get functionality similar to the SQL IN or NOT IN query?

For example I have a list of IDs and I want to select all of the People whose IDs either Match or do not match the IDs.

The people match functionality is fairly straightforward (although there may be a better way to do it)

var predicate = PredicateBuilder.False<Person>()
foreach (int i in personIDs)
  int temp = i;
  predicate = predicate.Or(e=>e.PersonID == temp);
return persons.Where(predicate);

So how do I get the opposite? I want all persons whose IDs are not in the personIDs list.

like image 448
Craig G. Avatar asked Aug 23 '11 05:08

Craig G.

2 Answers

Ask De Morgan:


To have your code generate the equivalent of a NOT IN condition, rewrite as

var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<Person>()


predicate = predicate.And(e=>e.PersonID != temp);
like image 145
devio Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 14:09


Do you use Entity Framework?

Then you can build the query without PredicateBuilder:

var personIds = new List<int>() { 8,9,10 };
var query = persons.Where(it => !personIds.Contains(it.PersonId));

From this LINQ statement a SQL NOT IN query is created.

like image 45
denyo85 Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 14:09
