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C# parse SQL statement to find all INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE tables used in stored procedures

As the title says my intention is to find all tables participating in either INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements and produce a structured format. So far this is what I've come up with -

void Main()
    string DBName = "Blah";
    string ServerName = @"(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB";

    Server s = new Server(ServerName);
    Database db = s.Databases[DBName];

    ConcurrentDictionary<string, SPAudit> list = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, SPAudit>();

    var sps = db.StoredProcedures.Cast<StoredProcedure>()
    .Where(x => x.ImplementationType == ImplementationType.TransactSql  && x.Schema == "dbo")
    .Select(x => new
        Body = x.TextBody

    Parallel.ForEach(sps, item =>
            ParseResult p = Parser.Parse(item.Body);
            IEnumerable<SqlInsertStatement> insStats = null;
            IEnumerable<SqlUpdateStatement> updStats = null;
            IEnumerable<SqlDeleteStatement> delStats = null;
            var listTask = new List<Task>();
            listTask.Add(Task.Run(() =>
                insStats = FindBatchCollection<SqlInsertStatement>(p.Script.Batches);
            listTask.Add(Task.Run(() =>
                updStats = FindBatchCollection<SqlUpdateStatement>(p.Script.Batches);
            listTask.Add(Task.Run(() =>
                delStats = FindBatchCollection<SqlDeleteStatement>(p.Script.Batches);
            foreach (var ins in insStats)
                var table = ins?.InsertSpecification?.Children?.FirstOrDefault();
                if (table != null)
                    var tableName = table.Sql.Replace("dbo.", "").Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
                    if (!tableName.StartsWith("@"))
                        var ll = list.ContainsKey(item.Name) ? list[item.Name] : null;
                        if (ll == null)
                            ll = new SPAudit();
                        list.AddOrUpdate(item.Name, ll, (key, old) => ll);
            foreach (var ins in updStats)
                var table = ins?.UpdateSpecification?.Children?.FirstOrDefault();
                if (table != null)
                    var tableName = table.Sql.Replace("dbo.", "").Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
                    if (!tableName.StartsWith("@"))
                        var ll = list.ContainsKey(item.Name) ? list[item.Name] : null;
                        if (ll == null)
                            ll = new SPAudit();
                        list.AddOrUpdate(item.Name, ll, (key, old) => ll);
            foreach (var ins in delStats)
                var table = ins?.DeleteSpecification?.Children?.FirstOrDefault();
                if (table != null)
                    var tableName = table.Sql.Replace("dbo.", "").Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
                    if (!tableName.StartsWith("@"))
                        var ll = list.ContainsKey(item.Name) ? list[item.Name] : null;
                        if (ll == null)
                            ll = new SPAudit();
                        list.AddOrUpdate(item.Name, ll, (key, old) => ll);
        catch (Exception ex)

IEnumerable<T> FindBatchCollection<T>(SqlBatchCollection coll) where T : SqlStatement
    List<T> sts = new List<T>();
    foreach (var item in coll)
    return sts;

IEnumerable<T> FindStatement<T>(IEnumerable<SqlCodeObject> objs) where T : SqlStatement
    List<T> sts = new List<T>();
    foreach (var item in objs)
        if (item.GetType() == typeof(T))
            sts.Add(item as T);
            foreach (var sub in item.Children)
    return sts;

public class SPAudit
    public HashSet<string> InsertTable { get; set; }
    public HashSet<string> UpdateTable { get; set; }
    public HashSet<string> DeleteTable { get; set; }

    public SPAudit()
        InsertTable = new HashSet<string>();
        UpdateTable = new HashSet<string>();
        DeleteTable = new HashSet<string>();

Now I'm facing two problems

  • First, its is taking hell lot of a time to complete, given that there are around 841 stored procedures in the database.
  • Second, if there are statements like the following the table name is not being captured properly, meaning that the table is being captured as w instead of SomeTable_1 or SomeTable_2.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_blah]
    @t SomeTableType READONLY

    DELETE w
    FROM SomeTable_2 w
    INNER JOIN (Select * from @t) t
    ON w.SomeID = t.SomeID

    DELETE w
    FROM SomeTable_1 w
    INNER JOIN (Select * from @t) t
    ON w.SomeID = t.SomeID


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Using the following dll from this location C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\DTS\Tasks-

  • Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo.dll
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser.dll
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlEnum.dll
like image 480
Soham Dasgupta Avatar asked Aug 21 '18 06:08

Soham Dasgupta

1 Answers

Finally I got it to work like I wanted the output to look like using @dlatikay answer. I'm posting this here more for documentation purposes than anything else.

I'm using the following nuget packages -

  • https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlManagementObjects/
  • https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom/

and removed all other local dependencies. I hope this helps someone out there.

void Main()
    string DatabaseName = "Blah";
    string ServerIP = @"(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB";
    List<string> ExcludeList = new List<string>()

    List<string> StringDataTypes = new List<string>()

    Server s = new Server(ServerIP);
    s.SetDefaultInitFields(typeof(StoredProcedure), "IsSystemObject");
    Database db = s.Databases[DatabaseName];

    Dictionary<string, SPAudit> AuditList = new Dictionary<string, SPAudit>();

    var sps = db.StoredProcedures.Cast<StoredProcedure>()
    .Where(x => x.ImplementationType == ImplementationType.TransactSql && x.Schema == "dbo" && !x.IsSystemObject)
    .Select(x => new
        Body = x.TextBody,
        Parameters = x.Parameters.Cast<StoredProcedureParameter>().Select(t =>
        new SPParam()
            Name = t.Name,
            DefaultValue = t.DefaultValue,
            DataType = $"{t.DataType.Name}{(StringDataTypes.Contains(t.DataType.Name) ? $"({(t.DataType.MaximumLength > 0 ? Convert.ToString(t.DataType.MaximumLength) : "MAX")})" : "")}"

    foreach (var item in sps)
            TSqlParser parser = new TSql140Parser(true, SqlEngineType.Standalone);
            IList<ParseError> parseErrors;
            TSqlFragment sqlFragment = parser.Parse(new StringReader(item.Body), out parseErrors);
            sqlFragment.Accept(new OwnVisitor(ref AuditList, item.Name, item.Parameters));
        catch (Exception ex)
            //Handle exception

public class OwnVisitor : TSqlFragmentVisitor
    private string spname;
    private IEnumerable<SPParam> parameters;
    private Dictionary<string, SPAudit> list;

    public OwnVisitor(ref Dictionary<string, SPAudit> _list, string _name, IEnumerable<SPParam> _parameters)
        list = _list;
        spname = _name;
        parameters = _parameters;

    public override void ExplicitVisit(InsertStatement node)
        NamedTableReference namedTableReference = node?.InsertSpecification?.Target as NamedTableReference;
        if (namedTableReference != null)
            string table = namedTableReference?.SchemaObject.BaseIdentifier?.Value;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(table) && !table.StartsWith("#"))
                if (!list.ContainsKey(spname))
                    SPAudit ll = new SPAudit();
                    list.Add(spname, ll);
                    SPAudit ll = list[spname];

    public override void ExplicitVisit(UpdateStatement node)
        NamedTableReference namedTableReference;
        if (node?.UpdateSpecification?.FromClause != null)
            namedTableReference = node?.UpdateSpecification?.FromClause?.TableReferences[0] as NamedTableReference;
            namedTableReference = node?.UpdateSpecification?.Target as NamedTableReference;
        string table = namedTableReference?.SchemaObject.BaseIdentifier?.Value;
        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(table) && !table.StartsWith("#"))
            if (!list.ContainsKey(spname))
                SPAudit ll = new SPAudit();
                list.Add(spname, ll);
                SPAudit ll = list[spname];

    public override void ExplicitVisit(DeleteStatement node)
        NamedTableReference namedTableReference;
        if (node?.DeleteSpecification?.FromClause != null)
            namedTableReference = node?.DeleteSpecification?.FromClause?.TableReferences[0] as NamedTableReference;
            namedTableReference = node?.DeleteSpecification?.Target as NamedTableReference;
        if (namedTableReference != null)
            string table = namedTableReference?.SchemaObject.BaseIdentifier?.Value;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(table) && !table.StartsWith("#"))
                if (!list.ContainsKey(spname))
                    SPAudit ll = new SPAudit();
                    list.Add(spname, ll);
                    SPAudit ll = list[spname];

public class SPAudit
    public HashSet<string> InsertTable { get; set; }
    public HashSet<string> UpdateTable { get; set; }
    public HashSet<string> DeleteTable { get; set; }
    public List<SPParam> Parameters { get; set; }

    public SPAudit()
        InsertTable = new HashSet<string>();
        UpdateTable = new HashSet<string>();
        DeleteTable = new HashSet<string>();
        Parameters = new List<SPParam>();

public class SPParam
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string DefaultValue { get; set; }
    public string DataType { get; set; }
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Soham Dasgupta Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11

Soham Dasgupta