There is anyway to convert opencv mat object to base64.
I was using the below url for base64 encoding and decoding:
Below is the code snippet:
const unsigned char* inBuffer = reinterpret_cast(;
There you go! (C++11)
Encode img -> jpg -> base64 :
std::vector<uchar> buf;
cv::imencode(".jpg", img, buf);
auto *enc_msg = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(;
std::string encoded = base64_encode(enc_msg, buf.size());
Decode base64 -> jpg -> img :
string dec_jpg = base64_decode(encoded);
std::vector<uchar> data(dec_jpg.begin(), dec_jpg.end());
cv::Mat img = cv::imdecode(cv::Mat(data), 1);
Note that you can change JPEG compression quality by setting the IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY flag.
I'm encountering nearly the same problem, but I'm trying to encode a Mat into jpeg format and then convert it into base64.
The code on that page works fine!
So here is my code:
VideoCapture cam(0);
vector<uchar> buf;
imencode(".jpg", img, buf);
uchar *enc_msg = new uchar[buf.size()];
for(int i=0; i < buf.size(); i++) enc_msg[i] = buf[i];
string encoded = base64_encode(enc_msg, buf.size());
if you just want to convert a Mat into base64, you need make sure the Mat size and channels. For a CV_8UC1, this will work:
string encoded = base64_encode(, img.rows * img.cols);
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