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C# OO design problem with override from methods


Assembly 1
________________________             ________________________
| Class A               |           | Class B               |
|-----------------------|           |-----------------------|
| Method someMethod     |---------->| Method otherMethod    |
|                       |           |                       |
|_______________________|           |_______________________|

Assembly 1 is a application that other developers can use. We will give them only the .dll so we can publish updates from the application if we don't change the api. The developers can't change the framework in assembly 1

Methods are virtual so developers can override methods to implement there own logic if needed.

The problem is that a developer can't override otherMethod from class B, he can override it but Class A will always call the method from Class B and not the overridden method.

Assembly 1
________________________             ________________________
| Class A               |           | Class B               |
|-----------------------|           |-----------------------|
| Method someMethod     |----XX---->| Method otherMethod    |
|                       |           |                       |
|_______________________|           |_______________________|
                \                                    |
                 \                                   |
                  \                                  |
Assembly 2         \                                 |
                    \                ________________|_______
                     \               | Class ExtendedB       |
                      \              |-----------------------|
                       \____________>| Method otherMethod    |
                                     |                       |

Assembly 2 haves a reference to assembly 1

Partial class doesn't work because it must be the same assembly and will not work over 2

Are there design patterns for this problem ? Or is there a other solution with reflection or something ?

EDIT Added a code example:

/* ASSEMBLY 1 */

namespace Assembly1
    public interface IAService
        void TestMethod3();
        void TestMethod4();

    public interface IBService
        void TestMethod1();
        void TestMethod2();

    public class AService : IAService
        // Base implementation of AService
        public  virtual void TestMethod3()
            //do something
        public virtual void TestMethod4()
            //do something

    public class BService : IBService
        // Base implementation of BService
        public virtual void TestMethod1()
            //do something
        public virtual void TestMethod2()
            //need to call AService implementation from assembly 2

/* ASSEMBLY 2 */
namespace Assembly2
    public class NewAService : AService
        public override void TestMethod3()
            //default implementation which could be overridden

        public override void TestMethod4()
            //default implementation which could be overridden
            //An implementation of IBService Should be called

like image 713
Marco Avatar asked Aug 12 '10 14:08


1 Answers

you should refactor

public interface IClassB
   void SomeMethod();
public Class A
    private IClassB myInstanceB = new ClassB();

    public ClassA(){}

    public ClassA(IClass B)
      myInstanceB = B;

    public void SomeMethod()

public ClassB : IClassB
   public void SomeMethod()
      // some wicked code here...

with this refactoring done, developers can use the default implementation by using the empty constructor. if they need some other logic than they just have to implement the interface IClassB and just pass it in the other constructor.

the usage in assembly 2 would be something like this

public class NewFunctionalityClass : IClassB
    public void SomeMethod()
       //something else
public TestClass()
   public void ShowMethod()
      var defaultObject = new ClassA();
      defaultObject.SomeMethod();  // default implementation

     var otherObject = new ClassA(new NewFunctionalityClass());
     otherObject.SomeMethod(); // here the new implementation will run
like image 69
nWorx Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 12:09
