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C++ odd compile error: error: changes meaning of "Object" from class "Object"




I don't even know where to go with this. Google wasn't very helpful. As with my previous question. I'm using TextMate's Command+R to compile the project.

game.h:16:error: declaration of ‘Player* HalfSet::Player() const’

players.h:11:error: changes meaning of ‘Player’ from ‘class Player’

game.h:21:error: ‘Player’ is not a type

player.h file (partial)

#ifndef PLAYERS_H
#define PLAYERS_H
using namespace std;

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <istream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "generics.h"

class Player{ //Line 11
    long Id() const;
    string FirstName() const;
    string LastName() const;
    string Country() const;
    void setId(long id);
    void setFirstName(string s);
    void setLastName(string s);
    void setCountry(string s);
    //serializing functions
    void display(ostream &out);
    void read(istream &in);
    void write(ostream &out);
    Player(istream &in);
    Player(string firstName, string lastName);
    Player(string firstName, string lastName, string country);
    Player(long id, string firstName, string lastName, string country);
    long _id;
    string _firstName;
    string _lastName;
    string _country;

game.h file (partial)

#ifndef GAME_H
#define GAME_H

#include "generics.h"
#include "players.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <istream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

class HalfSet{
    Player* Player() const; //Line 16
    int GamesWon() const;
    int TotalPoints() const;
    int Errors() const;
    void setPlayer(Player* p);
    void setGamesWon(int games);
    void setTotalPoints(int points);
    void setErrors(int errors);
    void display(ostream &out) const;
    void read(istream &in) const;
    void write(ostream &out) const;
    Player* _player;
    int _gamesWon;
    int _points;
    int _errors;

What is going on here?

like image 959
epochwolf Avatar asked Nov 12 '08 02:11


3 Answers

In C++ you cannot name a function the same name as a class/struct/typedef. You have a class named "Player" and so the HalfSet class has a function named "Player" ("Player *Player()"). You need to rename one of these (probably changing HalfSet's Player() to getPlayer() or somesuch).

like image 97
SoapBox Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 13:11


Your problem is that names are looked up in scopes. Within the declaration of HalfSet::setPlayer(Player*), the unqualified name Player needs to be looked up. The first scope tried is class HalfSet. In that scope, the lookup of Player finds function HalfSet::Player, not global class ::Player.

The solution is to use a qualified name, ::Player. This tells the compiler which scope to use for lookup (global) which in turn means HalfSet::Player is not even considered.

like image 10
MSalters Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 14:11


The current answer to this question is just incorrect, it says:

In C++ you cannot name a function the same name as a class/struct/typedef

Name hiding of a class by a function is allowed, if we go to the draft Pre C++11 standard section 3.3.7 Name hiding it says:

A class name (9.1) or enumeration name (7.2) can be hidden by the name of an object, function, or enumerator declared in the same scope. If a class or enumeration name and an object, function, or enumerator are declared in the same scope (in any order) with the same name, the class or enumeration name is hidden wherever the object, function, or enumerator name is visible.

So the fact that you have the function and a class named Player is not the issue, in fact the following code is valid:

class Player
} ;

Player* Player() ;

and we can use an elaborated type specifier to un-hide the class type.

As far as I can tell this is violating section 3.3.6 Class scope paragraph 2 which says:

A name N used in a class S shall refer to the same declaration in its context and when re-evaluated in the completed scope of S. No diagnostic is required for a violation of this rule.

So in this case Player changes meaning from class to a function, it is not clear to me it was intended so strictly but I can see how it could be read that way. This seems to be the message gcc uses when it detects this violation as we can see from a similar question.

Using an elaborated type specifier prevents the change of meaning:

class Player* Player() const ;
like image 9
Shafik Yaghmour Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 13:11

Shafik Yaghmour