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C# - NetUseAdd from NetApi32.dll on Windows Server 2008 and IIS7

I am attemping to use NetUseAdd to add a share that is needed by an application. My code looks like this.

[DllImport("NetApi32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
internal static extern uint NetUseAdd(
     string UncServerName,
     uint Level,
     IntPtr Buf,
     out uint ParmError);


USE_INFO_2 info = new USE_INFO_2();
info.ui2_local = null;
info.ui2_asg_type = 0xFFFFFFFF;
info.ui2_remote = remoteUNC;
info.ui2_username = username;
info.ui2_password = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAuto(password);
info.ui2_domainname = domainName;

IntPtr buf = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(info));

    Marshal.StructureToPtr(info, buf, true);

    uint paramErrorIndex;
    uint returnCode = NetUseAdd(null, 2, buf, out paramErrorIndex);

    if (returnCode != 0)
        throw new Win32Exception((int)returnCode);

This works fine on our server 2003 boxes. But in attempting to move over to Server 2008 and IIS7 this doesnt work any more. Through liberal logging i have found that it hangs on the line Marshal.StructureToPtr(info, buf, true);

I have absolutely no idea why this is can anyone shed any light on it for tell me where i might look for more information?

like image 980
Jack Ryan Avatar asked Jan 23 '23 10:01

Jack Ryan

1 Answers

The reason is:

You pulled the p/invoke signature off pinvoke.net and you didn't verify it. The fool who initially wrote this p/invoke sample code had no idea what he was doing and created one that "works" on 32-bit systems but does not work on 64-bit systems. He somehow turned a very simple p/invoke signature into some amazingly complicated mess and it spread like wildfire on the net.

The correct signature is:

    [DllImport( "NetApi32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode )]
    public static extern uint NetUseAdd(
         string UncServerName,
         UInt32 Level,
         ref USE_INFO_2 Buf,
         out UInt32 ParmError

    [StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode )]
    public struct USE_INFO_2
        public string ui2_local;
        public string ui2_remote;
        public string ui2_password;
        public UInt32 ui2_status;
        public UInt32 ui2_asg_type;
        public UInt32 ui2_refcount;
        public UInt32 ui2_usecount;
        public string ui2_username;
        public string ui2_domainname;

And your code should read:

USE_INFO_2 info = new USE_INFO_2();   
info.ui2_local = null;   
info.ui2_asg_type = 0xFFFFFFFF;   
info.ui2_remote = remoteUNC;   
info.ui2_username = username;   
info.ui2_password = password;
info.ui2_domainname = domainName;      

uint paramErrorIndex;   
uint returnCode = NetUseAdd(null, 2, ref info, out paramErrorIndex);   

if (returnCode != 0)   
    throw new Win32Exception((int)returnCode);   

Hope this was of some help. I just spent half a day knee deep remote debugging someone elses trash code trying to figure out what was going on and it was this.

like image 131
Karl Strings Avatar answered Jan 29 '23 11:01

Karl Strings