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C# lock with LINQ query

Is it necessary to lock LINQ statements as follows? If omitting the lock, any exceptions will be countered when multiple threads execute it concurrently?

lock (syncKey)
    return (from keyValue in dictionary
            where keyValue.Key > versionNumber
            select keyValue.Value).ToList();

PS: Writer threads do exist to mutate the dictionary.

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Ricky Avatar asked Jun 07 '11 08:06


3 Answers

So long as the query has no side-effects (such as any of the expressions calling code that make changes) there there is no need to lock a LINQ statement.

Basically, if you don't modify the data (and nothing else is modifying the data you are using) then you don't need locks.

If you are using .NET 4.0 and there is a ConcurrentDictionary that is thread safe. Here is an example of using a concurrent dictionary (admittedly not in a LINQ statement)


If you are modifying data then you need to use locks. If two or more threads attempt to access a locked section of code there will be a small performance loss as one or more of the threads waits for the lock to be released. NOTE: If you over-lock then you may end up with worse performance that you would if you had just built the code using a sequential algorithm from the start.

If you are only ever reading data then you don't need locks as there is no mutable shared state to protect.

If you do not use locks then you may end up with intermittent bugs where the data is not quite right or exceptions are thrown when collisions occur between readers and writers. In my experience, most of the time you may never get an exception, you just get corrupt data (except you don't necessarily know it is corrupt). Here is another example showing how data can be corrupted if you don't use locks or redesign your algorithm to cope.

You often get the best out of a system if you consider the constraints of developing in a parallel system from the outset. Sometimes you can re-write your code so it uses no shared data. Sometime you can split the data up into chunks and have each thread/task work on its own chunk then have some process at the end stitch it all back together again.

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Colin Mackay Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 11:09

Colin Mackay

Most types are thread-safe to read, but not thread-safe during mutation.

If none of the threads is changing the dictionary, then you don't need to do anything - just read away.

If, however, one of the threads is changing it then you have problems and need to synchronize. The simplest approach is a lock, however this prevents concurrent readers even when there is no writer. If there is a good chance you will have more readers that writers, consider using a ReaderWriterLockSlim to synchronize - this will allow any number of readers (with no writer), or: one writer.

In 4.0 you might also consider a ConcurrentDictionary<,>

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Marc Gravell Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09

Marc Gravell

If your dictionary is static and a method where you run the query is not (or another concurrent access scenarios), and dictionary can be modified from another thread, then yes, lock is required otherwise - is not.

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abatishchev Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 11:09
