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C# - List of Multiple progress bars. What components to use?

I have an app that requires multiple progress bars to be added dynamically to a form (whenever a new upload is added and started).

I've been Googling and the results suggested embedding progress bars in a ListView or a DataGridView.

Can anyone suggest any other techniques, as neither ListView or DataGridView hacks I've seen so far seem appealing?

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nf313743 Avatar asked Nov 06 '22 07:11


1 Answers

I would recommend creating a custom control, perhaps using a Panel as a base control. Add the controls for the progress bar, file name, other file information, etc.. and expose everything as properties. Write the functions so that they automatically handle their own progress.

This way you can instantiate them like anything else, and add them to a scrolling area, without having to worry too much about the properties of each. This is just a base idea to get you started. Let me know if this isn't clear enough.

Here's one relatively thorough example of creating a custom control: http://www.akadia.com/services/dotnet_user_controls.html

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Fosco Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 06:11
