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C# List .ConvertAll Efficiency and overhead

I recently learned about List's .ConvertAll extension. I used it a couple times in code today at work to convert a large list of my objects to a list of some other object. It seems to work really well. However I'm unsure how efficient or fast this is compared to just iterating the list and converting the object. Does .ConvertAll use anything special to speed up the conversion process or is it just a short hand way of converting Lists without having to set up a loop?

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mBrice1024 Avatar asked May 03 '14 00:05


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1 Answers

No better way to find out than to go directly to the source, literally :)


As you can see, there's no special magic going on. It just iterates over the list and creates a new item by the converter function that you specify.

To be honest, I was not aware of this method. The more idiomatic .NET way to do this kind of projection is through the use of the Select extension method on IEnumerable<T> like so: source.Select(input => new Something(input.Name)). The advantage of this is threefold:

  • It's more idomatic as I said, the ConvertAll is likely a remnant of the pre-C#3.0 days. It's not a very arcane method by any means and ConvertAll is a pretty clear description, but it might still be better to stick to what other people know, which is Select.
  • It's available on all IEnumerable<T>, while ConvertAll only works on instances of List<T>. It doesn't matter if it's an array, a list or a dictionary, Select works with all of them.
  • Select is lazy. It doesn't do anything until you iterate over it. This means that it returns an IEnumerable<TOutput> which you can then convert to a list by calling ToList() or not if you don't actually need a list. Or if you just want to convert and retrieve the first two items out of a list of a million items, you can simply do source.Select(input => new Something(input.Name)).Take(2).

But if your question is purely about the performance of converting a whole list to another list, then ConvertAll is likely to be somewhat faster as it's less generic than a Select followed by a ToList (it knows that a list has a size and can directly access elements by index from the underlying array for instance).

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JulianR Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09
