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C# Linq statements or a foreach() for totalling subsets?





Which of these solutions is preferred?

For a List:

List<ExampleInfo> exampleList = new List<ExampleInfo>();

public class ExampleInfo
    internal ExampleInfo()
    { }
    /* Business Properties */
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Type { get; set; }
    public decimal Total { get; set; }

I wish to get subtotals based off the 'Total' value.

Option 1:

var subtotal1 = exampleList.Where(x => x.Type == "Subtype1").Sum(x => x.Total);
var subtotal2 = exampleList.Where(x => x.Type == "Subtype2").Sum(x => x.Total);

Option 2:

decimal subtotal1 = 0m;
decimal subtotal2 = 0m;
foreach (ExampleInfo example in exampleList)
    switch (example.Type)
        case "Subtype1":
            subtotal1 += example.Total;
        case "Subtype2":
             subtotal2 += example.Total;


The list will be <10 items in most cases.

Edit: Chris raised a very good point I did not mention. The program is already using .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 so compatibility isn't an important consideration here.

like image 644
CaptainCasey Avatar asked Jun 22 '09 04:06


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1 Answers

Regardless of list size, if you're targeting .NET 3.5 I'd go with LINQ, if only for readability.

I am a great fan of writing what you mean, not how it's done and LINQ makes this very easy in such cases.

You can probably even pull the calculations into a single LINQ statement, grouping by Type. That way you won't have two loops for LINQ but only one as in the second example:

var subtotals = from x in exampleList
                group x by x.Type into g
                select new { Type = x.Key, SubTotal = g.Sum(x => x.Total) };

(Not entirely sure whether the code works as it, it's just a quick adaption from one of the 101 LINQ Samples. Syntax should be ok, though.)

like image 52
Joey Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09
