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C# library for converting json schema to sample JSON

I'm looking for a C# library that will generate a valid JSON object based on a given JSON Schema. I'd like to produce a very simple JSON sample just like how Swagger does it:

enter image description here

I've seen some JavaScript libraries like JSON Schema Faker, but I need a C#/.Net library where I can generate sample JSON in my backend code.

like image 225
Tom Schreck Avatar asked Aug 28 '17 15:08

Tom Schreck

1 Answers

Ok, it is super simplistic and doesn't take into account many factors of JSON schema, but it might be a good enough starting point for you. It also depends on the JsonSchema library from Newtonsoft.

   public class JsonSchemaSampleGenerator
        public JsonSchemaSampleGenerator()

        public static JToken Generate(JsonSchema schema)
            JToken output;
            switch (schema.Type)
                case JsonSchemaType.Object:
                    var jObject = new JObject();
                    if (schema.Properties != null)
                        foreach (var prop in schema.Properties)
                            jObject.Add(TranslateNameToJson(prop.Key), Generate(prop.Value));
                    output = jObject;
                case JsonSchemaType.Array:
                    var jArray = new JArray();
                    foreach (var item in schema.Items)
                    output = jArray;

                case JsonSchemaType.String:
                    output = new JValue("sample");
                case JsonSchemaType.Float:
                    output = new JValue(1.0);
                case JsonSchemaType.Integer:
                    output = new JValue(1);
                case JsonSchemaType.Boolean:
                    output = new JValue(false);
                case JsonSchemaType.Null:
                    output = JValue.CreateNull();

                    output = null;


            return output;

        public static string TranslateNameToJson(string name)
            return name.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + name.Substring(1);
like image 194
Darrel Miller Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Darrel Miller