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C++ iterator and const_iterator problem for own container class

I'm writing an own container class and have run into a problem I can't get my head around. Here's the bare-bone sample that shows the problem.

It consists of a container class and two test classes: one test class using a std:vector which compiles nicely and the second test class which tries to use my own container class in exact the same way but fails miserably to compile.

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>

using namespace std;

template <typename T>
class MyContainer
  class iterator
    typedef iterator self_type;
    inline iterator() { }

  class const_iterator
    typedef const_iterator self_type;
    inline const_iterator() { }
  iterator begin() {
    return iterator();

  const_iterator begin() const {
    return const_iterator();

// This one compiles ok, using std::vector
class TestClassVector
  void test() {
    vector<int>::const_iterator I=myc.begin();

  vector<int> myc;

// this one fails to compile. Why?
class TestClassMyContainer
  void test(){
    MyContainer<int>::const_iterator I=myc.begin();

  MyContainer<int> myc;

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
  return 0;

gcc tells me:

test2.C: In member function ‘void TestClassMyContainer::test()’:

test2.C:51: error: conversion from ‘MyContainer::iterator’ to non-scalar type ‘MyContainer::const_iterator’ requested

I'm not sure where and why the compiler wants to convert an iterator to a const_iterator for my own class but not for the STL vector class. What am I doing wrong?

like image 253
BaCh Avatar asked May 16 '10 15:05


2 Answers

When you call begin() the compiler by default creates a call to the non-const begin(). Since myc isn't const, it has no way of knowing you mean to use the const begin() rather than the non-const begin().

The STL iterator contains a cast operator which allows an iterator to be silently converted to a const_iterator. If you want this to work you need to add one as well like so:

class iterator
    typedef iterator self_type;
    inline iterator() { }

    operator const_iterator() { return const_iterator(); }

or allow const_iterator to be constructed from an iterator like so:

class const_iterator
    typedef const_iterator self_type;

    const_iterator(iterator& ) {}
    inline const_iterator() { }
like image 71
shoosh Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10


You should have a look to the Boost.Iterators library, especially the iterator_facade and iterator_adaptor sections. They contain a build-up of an iterator "from scratch".

It will show you how to write iterators without too much duplication, because most of the times the code the const and non-const versions is about the same, apart from the const qualification itself. Using templates it's possible to write it once, then declare two different types, and that's what the library documentation illustrates.

like image 3
Matthieu M. Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 01:10

Matthieu M.