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C# is there an easy way to get into TCP Socket Programming?





I've worked on a program that uses databases to send small messages from one PC to another. What I've done is put the database in a shared folder, have the program on the other PC connect to it (via a Path, no less), and there it is, a simple and easy way to get messages to and fro PCs on a network. Not the best option, but it's just homework, and the quick and dirty approach got me a grade.

But now the homework is done, and I'd like to improve upon what I did. The problem with the program is in the deployment stage. There are too many folders / installation paths and administrative / sharing issues regarding pathing directly to a database on a shared folder.

So the good folks here in stackoverflow advised me to try Socket Programming, which I think is a bit out of my league. But you never know...

Also, I'm aware of the difference between Sync and Async socket programming. One blocks, the other doesn't. The program I'm working on is a simple turn-based game, so I thought Synchronous might be good enough, since if it's not your turn, you really can't do anything. The issue however is that the program is treated as "not responding". I tried asynchronous, but ran into problems with threading, something I consider WAY out of my league.

Logically, the program is simple. One host, one client. Upon client connection, host sends data. Then client receives, send out its own data. And so on, until one player loses.

I'm sorry to say only .NET 2.0 is installed in my school. No WCF or anything. Also, it must be done in C# Windows Forms, so XNA is out.

So, I'd like to ask... is there an easy way to get into Socket Programming? Any guides / sample projects that can help? Pre-made codes that can be studied, and adapted?

Majority of the samples I found and adapted are chat applications, which I thought good enough, but making it modular simply breaks it.

like image 794
zack_falcon Avatar asked Nov 25 '11 09:11


1 Answers

The chat application examples you encountered should be enough. It is not clear to me what you refer to as "making it modular".

What you need is to design a protocol to be sent over the connection, an agreement of rules so to say, so that one knows what the other is talking about. So instead of sending plain text (chat) you can send the following:

0x03 (length of the message)
0x0A (move command in this fictional protocol)
0x02 (parameter 1 of the command, X coordinate in this case, it's all defined in the protocol design)
0x05 (parameter 2 of the command, Y coordinate in this case, it's all defined in the protocol design)

Now it's entirely up to you what happens after you received and interpreted the data. Personally I would go for the Async solution, since it leaves your program to do other stuff (graphics?). And it's more easily adaptable in code, in my experience.

like image 169
loconero Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 05:11
