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C++ : initialize static member large array




In order to use static data members in C++, I have currently something like that :

class MyClass {
private :
    static double myvariable;

// CPP FILE .cpp
double MyClass::myvariable = 0;

But if now I have :

class MyClass {
private :
    static double myarray[1000];

How can I initialize it ?


like image 780
Vincent Avatar asked Aug 26 '11 13:08


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int num[5] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; This will initialize the num array with value 1 at all index. The array will be initialized to 0 in case we provide empty initializer list or just specify 0 in the initializer list. Designated Initializer: This initializer is used when we want to initialize a range with the same value.

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2 Answers

The same as you initialize ordinary arrays:

double MyClass::myarray[1000] = { 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 };

Missing elements will be set to zero.

like image 132
Kerrek SB Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 20:10

Kerrek SB

Try this,

class MyClass {
private :
    static double myarray[1000];

double MyClass::myarray[]={11,22};
like image 37
KV Prajapati Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 20:10

KV Prajapati