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C# inherit(kind off)/use the properties of multiple classes in a single class



Let's say I have 2 classes like this:

public class A
    public string P1{ get; set; }
    public string P2{ get; set; }

public class B
    public string P3{ get; set; }
    public string P4{ get; set; }

and I need a class like this:

public class C
    public string P1{ get; set; }
    public string P2{ get; set; }
    public string P3{ get; set; }
    public string P4{ get; set; }

it it possible for the class C to use class A and B instead of re-declaring all the properties ?
(I need this for DTOs)

like image 232
Omu Avatar asked Jan 13 '10 10:01


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2 Answers

No, multiple inheritance is not supported in C#. It can either use A or B, not both.

This is doable, but maybe not pretty:

public class C
   public A APart { get; set; }

   public B BPart { get; set; }
like image 199
Arve Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 13:10


You can't, as multiple inheritance is only for interfaces in C#.



public class C : { public A; public B; }


public interface IA { string P1, P2; }    
public interface IB { string P3, P4; }

public class C : IA, IB { string P1, P2, P3, P4; }


public class A { public string P1, P2; }
public class B : A { public string P3, P4; }

public class C : B {}

As for the DTO, maybe these links 1; 2 could be useful:

If not, you could build your class dynamically using reflection.

Build dynamically a new C class containing all the public properties of both A and B.

like image 21
serhio Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 14:10
