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C++, how to use a subset of all types

I'm writing a function which I want to accept a distribution as a parameter. Let's say the following:

using namespace std;

random_device rd;
mt19937 gen(rd());

void print_random(uniform_real_distribution<>& d) {
    cout << d(gen);

Now is there a way to generalise this code, in a short way, in C++ such that it would accept all distributions and distributions only (otherwise the compiler should complain)? Edit: To clarify, the solution should also be able to accept only a subset of all distributions (which would have to be pre-specified).

I would for example accept the ability to define a type as a collection of allowed types but it would be even better if there is already a type which has this property for distributions.

like image 273
Haffi112 Avatar asked Dec 15 '14 11:12


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The symbol "⊆" means "is a subset of". The symbol "⊂" means "is a proper subset of". Since all of the members of set A are members of set D, A is a subset of D.

What does this mean ⊆?

In set theory, a subset is denoted by the symbol ⊆ and read as 'is a subset of'. Using this symbol we can express subsets as follows: A ⊆ B; which means Set A is a subset of Set B. Note: A subset can be equal to the set.

Why is C not a subset of C++?

In the strict mathematical sense, C isn't a subset of C++. There are programs that are valid C but not valid C++ and even a few ways of writing code that has a different meaning in C and C++. However, C++ supports every programming technique supported by C95 (C90 plus an Amendment) and earlier.

How do you subset a list?

To subset lists we can utilize the single bracket [ ] , double brackets [[ ]] , and dollar sign $ operators. Each approach provides a specific purpose and can be combined in different ways to achieve the following subsetting objectives: Subset list and preserve output as a list.

1 Answers

There is no such traits in standard library. You can just write something like

template<typename T>
struct is_distribution : public std::false_type {};

and specialize for each type, that is distribution

template<typename T>
struct is_distribution<std::uniform_int_distribution<T> > :
public std::true_type {};

Then just

template<typename Distr>
typename std::enable_if<is_distribution<Distr>::value>::type 
print_random(Distr& d)
    cout << d(gen);

Also, you can use something like concepts-lite (but with decltypes, since there is no this feature now), it can not work in some cases. In standard there are rules, that should any distribution follow (n3376 118).

template<typename D>
constexpr auto is_distribution(D& d) ->
decltype(std::declval<typename D::result_type>(),
std::declval<typename D::param_type>(),
d.reset(), d.param(), d.param(std::declval<typename D::param_type>()), true);

template<typename D>
auto print_random(D& d) -> decltype(is_distribution(d), void())

If you want just check that type is callable with some generator and execution of this call returns result_type you can just simplify function

template<typename D>
auto is_distribution(D& d) ->
decltype(std::is_same<typename D::result_type,

all this things will be much simple, when concepts-lite will be available in standard.

like image 144
ForEveR Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 20:11
