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C++ function pointers and classes

Say I have:

void Render(void(*Call)())

This is fine as long as the function I want to use to render is a function or a static member function:


However, I really want to be able to use a class method as well since in most cases the rendering function will want to access member variables, and Id rather not make the class instance global, e.g.


However I really have no idea how to do this, and still allow functions and static member functions to be used.

like image 670
Fire Lancer Avatar asked Sep 13 '08 12:09

Fire Lancer

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2 Answers

There are a lot of ways to skin this cat, including templates. My favorite is Boost.function as I've found it to be the most flexible in the long run. Also read up on Boost.bind for binding to member functions as well as many other tricks.

It would look like this:

#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>

void Render(boost::function0<void> Call)
    // as before...

Render(boost::bind(&MainMenu::Render, myMainMenuInstance));
like image 172
David Joyner Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 17:10

David Joyner

You can make a wrapper function void Wrap(T *t) that just calls t->Call() and have Render take such a function together with an object. That is:

void Wrap(T *t)

void Render(void (*f)(T *), T *t)
like image 40
mweerden Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 18:10
