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C# From ObjectResult to string (or get value)

I'm using a IActionResult (task) to upload a file and i refference that in my controller. What i want to get back is the file name.

Controller ->

        var imageLocation = await _imageHandler.UploadImage(image);

ImageHandler ->

    public async Task<IActionResult> UploadImage(IFormFile file)
        var result = await _imageWriter.UploadImage(file);

        return new ObjectResult(result);

My value is stored in imageLocation, but i have no idea how to access it (i need the "Value" string so i can add it to DB).

enter image description here

I've tried searching for everything, but everyone is using a list. I only need a string here. Hopefully you guys can help me out. Thanks!

like image 929
Dante R. Avatar asked Oct 01 '18 10:10

Dante R.

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1 Answers

You can cast the result to the desired type and call property


var imageLocation = await _imageHandler.UploadImage(image);
var objectResult = imageLocation as ObjectResult;
var value = objectReult.Value;

or just refactor the ImageHandler.UploadImage function to return the actual type to avoid having to cast

public async Task<ObjectResult> UploadImage(IFormFile file) {
    var result = await _imageWriter.UploadImage(file);
    return new ObjectResult(result);

and get the value as expected in controller

var imageLocation = await _imageHandler.UploadImage(image);
var value = imageLocation.Value;

Better yet, have the function just return the desired value

public Task<string> UploadImage(IFormFile file) {
    return _imageWriter.UploadImage(file);

that way you get what is expected when calling the function in the controller.

string imageLocation = await _imageHandler.UploadImage(image);
like image 52
Nkosi Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09
