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C++ for Game Programming - Love or Distrust? [closed]

In the name of efficiency in game programming, some programmers do not trust several C++ features. One of my friends claims to understand how game industry works, and would come up with the following remarks:

  • Do not use smart pointers. Nobody in games does.
  • Exceptions should not be (and is usually not) used in game programming for memory and speed.

How much of these statements are true? C++ features have been designed keeping efficiency in mind. Is that efficiency not sufficient for game programming? For 97% of game programming?

The C-way-of-thinking still seems to have a good grasp on the game development community. Is this true?

I watched another video of a talk on multi-core programming in GDC 2009. His talk was almost exclusively oriented towards Cell Programming, where DMA transfer is needed before processing (simple pointer access won't work with the SPE of Cell). He discouraged the use of polymorphism as the pointer has to be "re-based" for DMA transfer. How sad. It is like going back to the square one. I don't know if there is an elegant solution to program C++ polymorphism on the Cell. The topic of DMA transfer is esoteric and I do not have much background here.

I agree that C++ has also not been very nice to programmers who want a small language to hack with, and not read stacks of books. Templates have also scared the hell out of debugging. Do you agree that C++ is too much feared by the gaming community?

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amit kumar Avatar asked May 06 '09 13:05

amit kumar

People also ask

Is C used for game programming?

C++ C++ is the foundation of most major console and Microsoft Windows games. It's an object-oriented programming (OOP) language, meaning it organizes code into self-contained, reusable units. Those objects are designed to be reusable and movable, so you can code complex games without building everything from scratch.

Is C good for game development?

C++ is a high performer when compared to other languages used for game development. Other popular game programming languages include Python, Java, C, and C#. While C is another low-level language used to program games, the focus of our comparison will be the higher-level languages in the running against C++.

Why C is used in games?

C++ is compatible with low-level C and assembly language, making it easier for game developers to interact with the hardware-level components. C++ is a compiled language that gives better runtime performance than other high-level interpreted languages.

2 Answers

The last game I worked on was Heavenly Sword on the PS3 and that was written in C++, even the cell code. Before that, I did some PS2 games and PC games and they were C++ as well. Non of the projects used smart pointers. Not because of any efficiency issues but because they were generally not needed. Games, especially console games, do not do dynamic memory allocation using the standard memory managers during normal play. If there are dynamic objects (missiles, enemies, etc) then they are usually pre-allocated and re-used as required. Each type of object would have an upper limit on the number of instances the game can cope with. These upper limits would be defined by the amount of processing required (too many and the game slows to a crawl) or the amount of RAM present (too much and you could start frequently paging to disk which would seriously degrade performance).

Games generally don't use exceptions because, well, games shouldn't have bugs and therefore not be capable of generating exceptions. This is especially true of console games where games are tested by the console manufacturer, although recent platforms like 360 and PS3 do appear to have a few games that can crash. To be honest, I've not read anything online about what the actual cost of having exceptions enabled is. If the cost is incurred only when an exception is thrown then there is no reason not to use them in games, but I don't know for sure and it's probably dependant on the compiler used. Generally, game programmers know when problems can occur that would be handled using an exception in a business application (things like IO and initialisation) and handle them without the use of exceptions (it is possible!).

But then, in the global scale, C++ is slowly decreasing as a language for game development. Flash and Java probably have a much bigger slice of market and they do have exceptions and smart pointers (in the form of managed objects).

As for the Cell pointer access, the problems arise when the code is being DMA'd into the Cell at an arbitrary base addresses. In this instance, any pointers in the code need to be 'fixed up' with the new base address, this includes v-tables, and you don't really want to do this for every object you load into the Cell. If the code is always loaded at a fixed address, then there is never a need to fix-up the pointers. You lose a bit of flexibility though as you're limiting where code can be stored. On a PC, the code never moves during execution so pointer fix-up at runtime is never needed.

I really don't think anyone 'distrusts' C++ features - not trusting the compiler is something else entirely and quite often new, esoteric architectures like the Cell tend to get robust C compilers before C++ ones because a C compiler is much easier to make than a C++ one.

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Skizz Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10


Look, most everything you hear anyone say about efficiency in programming is magical thinking and superstition. Smart pointers do have a performance cost; especially if you're doing a lot of fancy pointer manipulations in an inner loop, it could make a difference.


But when people say things like that, it's usually the result of someone who told them long ago that X was true, without anything but intuition behind it. Now, the Cell/polymorphism issue sounds plausible — and I bet it did to the first guy who said it. But I haven't verified it.

You'll hear the very same things said about C++ for operating systems: that it is too slow, that it does things you want to do well, badly.

None the less we built OS/400 (from v3r6 forward) entirely in C++, bare-metal on up, and got a code base that was fast, efficient, and small. It took some work; especially working from bare metal, there are some bootstrapping issues, use of placement new, that kind of thing.

C++ can be a problem just because it's too damn big: I'm rereading Stroustrup's wristbreaker right now, and it's pretty intimidating. But I don't think there's anything inherent that says you can't use C++ in an effective way in game programming.

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Charlie Martin Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Charlie Martin