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C# Float vs. VB.net Single - Namin' complainin'


Why is it called a single in VB.net? I'm sure there is a good reason but it doesn't seem intuitive to a non formally trained programmer like me.

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dfasdljkhfaskldjhfasklhf Avatar asked Nov 07 '08 13:11


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3 Answers

BPAndrew's question seems to be really "why float in C# and Single in VB.NET", which noone actually answered, so here's my 2p...

The use of "float" in C# seems to be a throwback to its C/C++ heritage. "float" still maps to the System.Single type in C#, so the keyword just exists for convenience. You could just as well declare the variable as "Single" in C# the same as you do in VB.NET.

(And as stated above, naming them Single/Double actually makes more sense as they are single/double precision floating-point numbers.)

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Xiaofu Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 23:09


As others have said, they map to "single" and "double" precision binary floating point types. Personally I think it was a sideways step to just name System.Single and System.Double - why not System.Float32 and System.Float64 to match the integer types?

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Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 00:09

Jon Skeet

The reason is that both single and double are both Floating Point numbers.

single is short for Single Precision Floating Point Number (32 bits)
double is short for Double Precision Floating Point Number (64 bits)

Therefore to call a floating point number float is ambiguous.


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LeppyR64 Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 00:09
