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C#: event with explicity add/remove != typical event?





When you create a "field-like" event, like this:

public event EventHandler Foo;

the compiler generates a field and an event. Within the source code of the class which declares the event, any time you refer to Foo the compiler understand that you're referring to the field. However, the field is private, so any time you refer to Foo from other classes, it refers to the event (and therefore the add/remove code).

If you declare your own explicit add/remove code, you don't get an auto-generated field. So, you've only got an event, and you can't raise an event directly in C# - you can only invoke a delegate instance. An event isn't a delegate instance, it's just an add/remove pair.

Now, your code contained this:

public EventHandler TypicalEvent;

This is slightly different still - it wasn't declaring an event at all - it was declaring a public field of the delegate type EventHandler. Anyone can invoke that, because the value is just a delegate instance. It's important to understand the difference between a field and an event. You should never write this kind of code, just as I'm sure you don't normally have public fields of other types such as string and int. Unfortunately it's an easy typo to make, and a relatively hard one to stop. You'd only spot it by noticing that the compiler was allowing you to assign or use the value from another class.

See my article on events and delegates for more information.

Because you can do this (it's non-real-world sample, but it "works"):

private EventHandler _explicitEvent_A;
private EventHandler _explicitEvent_B;
private bool flag;
public event EventHandler ExplicitEvent {
   add {
         if ( flag = !flag ) { _explicitEvent_A += value; /* or do anything else */ }
         else { _explicitEvent_B += value; /* or do anything else */ }
   remove {
         if ( flag = !flag ) { _explicitEvent_A -= value; /* or do anything else */ }
         else { _explicitEvent_B -= value; /* or do anything else */ }

How can the compiler know what it should do with "ExplicitEvent.RaiseEvent();"? Answer: It can't.

The "ExplicitEvent.RaiseEvent();" is only syntax sugar, which can be predicated only if the event is implicitly implemented.

That's because you're not looking at it right. The logic is the same as in Properties. Once you've set the add/remove it's no longer an actual event, but a wrapper to expose the actual event (events can only be triggered from inside the class itself, so you always have access locally to the real event).

private EventHandler _explicitEvent;
public event EventHandler ExplicitEvent {
   add { _explicitEvent += value; } 
   remove { _explicitEvent -= value; }

private double seconds; 
public double Hours
    get { return seconds / 3600; }
    set { seconds = value * 3600; }

In both cases the member with the get/set or add/remove property doesn't really contain any data. You need a "real" private member to contain the actual data. The properties just allow you program extra logic when exposing the members to outside world.

A good example for WHY you'd want to do it, is to stop extra computation when it's not needed (no one is listening to the event).

For example, lets say the events are triggered by a timer, and we don't want the timer to work if no-one is registered to the event:

private System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
private EventHandler _explicitEvent;
public event EventHandler ExplicitEvent 
       if (_explicitEvent == null) timer.Start();
       _explicitEvent += value; 
      _explicitEvent -= value; 
      if (_explicitEvent == null) timer.Stop();

You'd probably want to lock the add/remove with an object (an afterthought)...

The "plain" declaration for TypicalEvent does some compiler trickery. It creates an event metadata entry, add and remove methods and a backing field. When your code refers to TypicalEvent, the compiler translates it into a reference to the backing field; when external code refers to TypicalEvent (using += and -=), the compiler translates it into a reference to the add or remove method.

The "explicit" declaration bypasses this compiler trickery. You are spelling out the add and remove methods and the backing field: indeed, as TcKs points out, there may not even be a backing field (this is a common reason for using the explicit form: see e.g. events in System.Windows.Forms.Control). Therefore the compiler can no longer quietly translate the reference to TypicalEvent into a reference to the backing field: if you want the backing field, the actual delegate object, you have to reference the backing field directly:
