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C# Equivalent of this powershell snippet




I have the below snippet in PowerShell that is returning me the information I need for local administrators on a remote PC. I am trying to convert this code into c#, but have been having very little luck with it.

 $ADMINS = get-wmiobject -computername $computername -Credential $Credential -query "select * from win32_groupuser where GroupComponent=""Win32_Group.Domain='$computername',Name='administrators'""" | % {$_.partcomponent}

I am able to get a basic wmi query working in c# as seen below : Method

 public IEnumerable<CimInstance> WmiQuerier(CimSession session , string wmiquery)

                string Namespace = @"root\cimv2";
                IEnumerable<CimInstance> CimInstances = new List<CimInstance>();
                CimInstances = session.QueryInstances(Namespace, "WQL", wmiquery);
                //IEnumerable<CimInstance> CimInstances2 = CimInstances.SelectMany()
                return CimInstances;
            catch (Exception ex )



        public void CimQuery()
            string querystring = "SELECT * FROM win32_groupuser";
            Wmi wmi = new Wmi();
            NetworkCredential mynetcred = new NetworkCredential("Domain\\User", "Password%");
            CimCredential mycimCred = wmi.ConvertCred(mynetcred);
            CimSession mySession = wmi.WmiConnection(testcomp, mycimCred);
            IEnumerable<CimInstance> querierResults = wmi.WmiQuerier(mySession, querystring).Take(5).ToList();


However, When I attempt to add in any kind of Where clause like I have in the powershell code, (See my attempt below )

"SELECT * FROM win32_groupuser Where GroupComponent = \"Win32_Group.Domain='MachineName',Name='administrators' \""

I get the error

Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimException: 'The WS-Management service cannot process the request. The WQL query is invalid. '

What am I doing incorrectly in my WQL string?

like image 377
S Grzybowski Avatar asked Nov 07 '22 22:11

S Grzybowski

1 Answers

Here's a query that works. I know one thing...that the syntax of the WQL is extremely sensitive and unforgiving...especially regarding spaces and quote nesting. Funny enough, it's fine with uppercase/lowercase:

using System.Management;


      var domainName = "YourDomainName";
      var groupName = "Administrators";
      var wql = string.Format
        @"select partcomponent from win32_groupuser where groupcomponent='Win32_Group.Domain=""{0}"",Name=""{1}""'",
      foreach ( var thing in new ManagementObjectSearcher( wql ).Get( ) )
        foreach ( var property in thing.Properties )
          //--> And then, if you want the account object...
          var path = new ManagementPath( property.Value as string );
          var account = new ManagementObject( path );
          foreach ( var acctProp in account.Properties )
            Console.WriteLine( $"{acctProp.Name}={acctProp.Value}" );

Edit: Just for yucks, I added code to get the referenced Win32_Account object...since the value of partcomponent is a qualified reference to that account object.

like image 154
Clay Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 20:11
