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C#: Equivalent of the python try/catch/else block

In Python, there is this useful exception handling code:

    # Code that could raise an exception
except Exception:
    # Exception handling
    # Code to execute if the try block DID NOT fail

I think it's useful to be able to separate the code that could raise and exception from your normal code. In Python, this was possible as shown above, however I can't find anything like it in C#.

Assuming the feature or one like it doesn't exist, is it standard practice to put normal code in the try block or after the catch block?

The reason I ask is because I have the following code:

if (!IsReadOnly)
    T newobj;
        newobj = DataPortal.Update<T>(this);

        List<string> keys = new List<string>(BasicProperties.Keys);
        foreach (string key in keys)
            BasicProperties[key] = newobj.BasicProperties[key];
    catch (DataPortalException)
        // TODO: Implement DataPortal.Update<T>() recovery mechanism

Which requires the normal code to be in the try block because otherwise if an exception was raised and subsequently handled, newobj would be unassigned, but it feels quite unnatural to have this much code in the try block which is unrelated to the DataPortalException. What to do?


like image 817
oloftus Avatar asked Mar 03 '10 23:03


2 Answers

I would prefer to see the rest of the code outside the try/catch so it is clear where the exception you are trying to catch is coming from and that you don't accidentally catch an exception that you weren't trying to catch.

I think the closest equivalent to the Python try/catch/else is to use a local boolean variable to remember whether or not an exception was thrown.

bool success;

    success = true;
catch (MyException)
    success = false;

if (success)

But if you are doing this, I'd ask why you don't either fully recover from the exception so that you can continue as if there had been success, or else fully abort by returning an error code or even just letting the exception propagate to the caller.

like image 140
Mark Byers Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 11:10

Mark Byers

Barbaric solution: create an Else class derived from Exception, throw an instance of it at the end of the try block, and use catch (Else) {...} to handle the other stuff.

I feel so dirty.

like image 25
Daniel Newby Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 12:10

Daniel Newby