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C# delegate and attributes syntax question




I have a dictionary which is of type Dictionary [string,handler_func] where
handler_func is a delegate of type

public delegate void HANDLER_FUNC(object obj, TcpClient client);

now I have an attribute class like so

public class MessageHandlerAttribute : Attribute

    public MessageHandlerAttribute(string s1, HANDLER_FUNC hf)
        s1 = name;
        msgtype = hf;
    private string name;
    public string HandlerName
        get { return name; }
        set { name = value; }

    private HANDLER_FUNC msgtype;
    public HANDLER_FUNC MessageName
        get { return msgtype; }
        set { msgtype = value; }


The basic idea is I apply this attribute to a method in a class and somewhere I use reflection to fill up the Dictionary above

problem is unless this method is static the atrribute is not working so

private void HandleLoginResponse(object obj, TcpClient client)  

is causing the standard need an object thing
So what are my options ( i do not want the handler method to be static ) Thanks

like image 683
Rahul Avatar asked Jul 30 '09 08:07


1 Answers

private void HandleLoginResponse(object obj, TcpClient client)

I don't understand why you need to specify the method in the attribute : since the attribute is applied to the method, you can already retrieve the method... You could do something like that :

private void HandleLoginResponse(object obj, TcpClient client)


foreach(MethodInfo method in this.GetType().GetMethods())
    MessageHandlerAttribute attr = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(method, typeof(MessageHandlerAttribute)) as MessageHandlerAttribute;
    if (attr != null)
        HANDLER_FUNC func = Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(HANDLER_FUNC), this, method) as HANDLER_FUNC;
        handlers.Add(attr.HandlerName, func);
like image 82
Thomas Levesque Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 05:10

Thomas Levesque