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C++ Copy Constructor + Pointer Object

I'm trying to learn "big three" in C++.. I managed to do very simple program for "big three".. but I'm not sure how to use the object pointer.. The following is my first attempt.

I have a doubt when I was writing this...


  1. Is this the correct way to implement the default constructor? I'm not sure whether I need to have it or not. But what I found in another thread about copy constructor with pointer is that I need to allocate the space for that pointer before copying the address in copy constructor..
  2. How to assign the pointer variable in the copy constructor? The way that I wrote in Copy Constructor might be wrong.
  3. Do I need to implement the same code (except return ) for both copy constructor and operatior=?
  4. Am I correct in saying that I need to delete the pointer in destructor?

    class TreeNode
       TreeNode(const TreeNode& node);
       TreeNode& operator= (const TreeNode& node);
       string data;
       TreeNode* left;
       TreeNode* right;
       friend class MyAnotherClass;



    data = "";  


TreeNode::TreeNode(const TreeNode& node){
     data = node.data;

     left = new TreeNode();
     right = new TreeNode();

     left = node.left; 
     right = node.right;

TreeNode& TreeNode::operator= (const TreeNode& node){
     data = node.data;
     left = node.left;
     right = node.right;
     return *this;

     delete left;
     delete right;

Thanks in advance.

like image 859
Michael Sync Avatar asked Sep 18 '10 05:09

Michael Sync

1 Answers

This is how I would do it:
Because you are managing two resources in the same object doing this correctly becomes a bit more complex (Which is why I recommend never managing more than one resource in an object). If you use the copy/swap idiom then the complexity is limited to the copy constructor (which is non trivial to get correct for the strong exception guarantee).


 * Use the copy and swap idium
 * Note: The parameter is by value to auto generate the copy.
 *       The copy uses the copy constructor above where the complex code is.
 *       Then the swap means that we release this tree correctly.
TreeNode& TreeNode::operator= (const TreeNode node)
     std::swap(data,  node.data);
     std::swap(left,  node.left);
     std::swap(right, node.right);
     return *this;

     delete left;
     delete right;

The hard part now:

 * The copy constructor is a bit harder than normal.
 * This is because you want to provide the `Strong Exception Guarantee`
 * If something goes wrong you definitely don't want the object to be
 * in some indeterminate state.
 * Simplified this a bit. Do the work that can generate an exception first.
 * Once all this has been completed we can do the work that will not throw.
TreeNode::TreeNode(const TreeNode& node)
    // Do throwable work.
    std::auto_ptr<TreeNode>  nL(node.left  == null ? null : new TreeNode(*node.left));
    std::auto_ptr<TreeNode>  nR(node.right == null ? null : new TreeNode(*node.right));

    // All work that can throw has been completed.
    // So now set the current node with the correct values.
    data  = node.data;
    left  = nL.release();
    right = nR.release();
like image 76
Martin York Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09

Martin York