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C# convert a string for use in a logical condition




Is it possible to convert a string to an operator for use in a logical condition.

For example

if(x Convert.ToOperator(">") y) {}


if(x ">" as Operator y){}

I appreciate that this might not be standard practice question, therefore I'm not interested in answers that ask me why the hell would want to do something like this.

Thanks in advance

EDIT: OK I agree, only fair to give some context.

We have system built around reflection and XML. I would like to be able to say something like, for ease.

<Value = "Object1.Value" Operator = ">" Condition = "0"/>

EDIT: Thanks for your comments, I can't properly explain this on here. I guess my question is answered by "You can't", which is absolutely fine (and what I thought). Thanks for your comments.

EDIT: Sod it I'm going to have a go.

Imagine the following

<Namespace.LogicRule Value= "Object1.Value" Operator=">" Condition="0">  

This will get reflected into a class, so now I want to test the condition, by calling

bool LogicRule.Test()

That's the bit where it would all need to come together.


OK, so having never looked at Lambdas or Expressions I thought I would have a look after @jrista's suggestions.

My system allows Enums to be parsed, so Expressions are attractive because of the ExpressionType Enum.

So I created the following class to test the idea:

    public class Operation
        private object _Right;
        private object _Left;
        private ExpressionType _ExpressionType;
        private string _Type;

        public object Left
            get { return _Left; }
            set { _Left = value; }

        public object Right
            get { return _Right; }
            set { _Right = value; }

        public string Type
            get { return _Type; }
            set { _Type = value; }

        public ExpressionType ExpressionType
            get { return _ExpressionType; }
            set { _ExpressionType = value; }

        public bool Evaluate()
            var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "left");
            var param2 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "right");

            Expression<Func<int, int, bool>> expression = Expression.Lambda<Func<int, int, bool>>(
               Expression.MakeBinary(ExpressionType, param, param2), param, param2);

            Func<int, int, bool> del = expression.Compile();

            return del(Convert.ToInt32(Left), Convert.ToInt32(Right));


Obviously this will only work for Int32 right now and the basic ExpressionTypes, I'm not sure I can make it generic? I've never use Expressions before, however this seems to work.

This way can then be declared in our XML way as

Operation<Left="1" Right="2" ExpressionType="LessThan" Type="System.Int32"/>
like image 319
MrEdmundo Avatar asked May 29 '09 13:05


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2 Answers

You could do something like this:

public static bool Compare<T>(string op, T x, T y) where T:IComparable
  case "==" : return x.CompareTo(y)==0;
  case "!=" : return x.CompareTo(y)!=0;
  case ">"  : return x.CompareTo(y)>0;
  case ">=" : return x.CompareTo(y)>=0;
  case "<"  : return x.CompareTo(y)<0;
  case "<=" : return x.CompareTo(y)<=0;
like image 60
Sean Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09



As JaredPar pointed out, my suggestion below won't work as you can't apply the operators to generics...

So you'd need to have specific implementations for each types you wanted to compare/compute...

public int Compute (int param1, int param2, string op) 
        case "+": return param1 + param2;
        default: throw new NotImplementedException();

public double Compute (double param1, double param2, string op) 
        case "+": return param1 + param2;
        default: throw new NotImplementedException();


You could do something like this.

You'd also need to try/catch all this to ensure that whatever T is, supports the particular operations.

Mind if I ask why you would possibly need to do this. Are you writing some sort of mathematical parser ?

public T Compute<T> (T param1, T param2, string op) where T : struct
        case "+":
            return param1 + param2;
             throw new NotImplementedException();

public bool Compare<T> (T param1, T param2, string op) where T : struct
    switch (op)
        case "==":
             return param1 == param2;
             throw new NotImplementedException();
like image 36
Eoin Campbell Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09

Eoin Campbell