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C compile error: Id returned 1 exit status

For some reason, when I try compiling a program, the compiler says permission denied and Id returned 1 exit status. Could anyone tell me what that means? Thank you

#include <stdio.h>                                               /* Library inclusions */
#include "genlib.h" 
#include "simpio.h"

int binSearch(int val, int numbers[], int size1);                /* prototypes */
void sortArray (int numbers[], int size1);                       
int indexMax (int numbers[], int low, int high);
void swap (int numbers[], int loc, int loc1);
void getArray (int numbers[], int size1);
void displayArray (int numbers[], int size1);

  int value, size1;

  printf("Enter the number of elements: ");
  int numbers[size1];
  getArray(numbers, size1); 
  sortArray(numbers, size1); 
  displayArray(numbers, size1);
  printf("\nEnter value to find: ");
  binSearch(value, numbers, size1);

void sortArray (int numbers[], int size1)                        /*Function sortArray*/
 int i , maxInd;

 for (i= size1-1; i>=0;i--)
     maxInd=indexMax(numbers, 0, i);
     swap (numbers, i, maxInd);

void displayArray (int numbers[], int size1)                     /*Function displayArray*/
 int i;

 printf("This is the sorted set of numbers: \n");
 for (i=0; i< size1; i++)
         printf ("%d\t", numbers[i]); 

void getArray (int numbers[], int size1)                         /*Function getArray*/
 int i;

 for (i=0; i<size1; i++)
     printf ("Enter the values of the %d elements: ", size1);

int indexMax (int numbers[], int low, int high)                  /*Function indexMax*/
int i, maxInd;

for (i=low;i<=high;i++)
    if (numbers[i]>numbers[maxInd]) 
                   maxInd =i;
    return (maxInd);

void swap (int numbers[], int loc, int loc1)                     /*Function swap*/
 int temp;


int binSearch(int val, int numbers[], int size1)                 /*Function binSearch*/
 int low, high, mid;

                 else if(val>numbers[mid])
                 else if(val==numbers[mid])
                                 printf("Your number is in location %d\n", mid+1);break;    
                                 printf("Your value is not in the array.");        

The above is the binary search algorithm code I tried to compile.

like image 290
C_Intermediate_Learner Avatar asked Jul 18 '13 08:07


People also ask

How do I fix ID returned 1 exit status?

First of all you have to create a project by clicking file new and then project and give project name select the language c or c++ and select empty also. Then your program is under that project... And then give a program name save it.... Ensure that your under some project to compile and run a program...

What does ID returned 1 exit status mean in C?

The ld returned 1 exit status error is the consequence of your previous errors as in your example there is an earlier error - undefined reference to 'clrscr' - and this is the real one. The exit status error just signals that the linking step in the build process encountered some errors.

2 Answers

I may guess, the old instance of your program is still running. Windows does not allow to change the files which are currently "in use" and your linker cannot write the new .exe on the top of the running one. Try stopping/killing your program.

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Kane Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09


I bet for sure, that this is because you didn't close the running instance of the program before trying to re-compile it.

Generally, ld.exe returns 1 when it can't access required files. This usually includes

  • Can't find the object file to be linked (or Access denied)
  • Can't find one or more symbols to link
  • Can't open the executable for writing (or AD)

The program looks completely fine, so the second point should not hit. In usual cases, it's impossible for ld to fail to open the object file (unless you have a faulty drive and a dirty filesystem), so the first point is also nearly impossible.

Now we get to the third point. Note that Windows not allow writing to a file when it's in use, so the running instance of your program prevents ld.exe from writing the new linked program to it.

So next time be sure to close running programs before compiling.

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iBug Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09
