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C , C++ unsynchronized threads returning a strange result

Okay, i have this question in one regarding threads.

there are two unsynchronized threads running simultaneously and using a global resource "int num" 1st:

    void Thread()
    int i;
    for ( i=0 ; i < 100000000; i++ )


    void Thread2()
    int j;
    for ( j=0 ; j < 100000000; j++ )

The question states: what are the possible values of the variable "num" at the end of the program. now i would say 0 will be the value of num at the end of the program but, try and run this code and you will find out that the result is quite random, and i can't understand why?

The full code:

 #include <windows.h>
    #include <process.h>
    #include <stdio.h>

    int static num=0;

   void Thread()
        int i;
        for ( i=0 ; i < 100000000; i++ )

   void Thread2()
        int j;
        for ( j=0 ; j < 100000000; j++ )

    int main()
        long handle,handle2,code,code2;
        handle=_beginthread( Thread, 0, NULL );
        handle2=_beginthread( Thread2, 0, NULL );

        while( (GetExitCodeThread(handle,&code)||GetExitCodeThread(handle2,&code2))!=0 );

        TerminateThread(handle, code );
        TerminateThread(handle2, code2 );

        printf("%d ",num);
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Mortalus Avatar asked Feb 06 '11 09:02


2 Answers

num++ and num-- don't have to be atomic operations. To take num++ as an example, this is probably implemented like:

int tmp = num;
tmp = tmp + 1;
num = tmp;

where tmp is held in a CPU register.

Now let's say that num == 0, both threads try to execute num++, and the operations are interleaved as follows:

Thread A        Thread B
int tmp = num;
tmp = tmp + 1;
                int tmp = num;
                tmp = tmp + 1;
num = tmp;
                num = tmp;

The result at the end will be num == 1 even though it should have been incremented twice. Here, one increment is lost; in the same way, a decrement could be lost as well.

In pathological cases, all increments of one thread could be lost, resulting in num == -100000000, or all decrements of one thread could be lost, resulting in num == +100000000. There may even be more extreme scenarios lurking out there.

Then there's also other business going on, because num isn't declared as volatile. Both threads will therefore assume that the value of num doesn't change, unless they are the one changing it. This allows the compiler to optimize away the entire for loop, if it feels so inclined!

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Thomas Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 01:09


The possible values for num include all possible int values, plus floating point values, strings, and jpegs of nasal demons. Once you invoke undefined behavior, all bets are off.

More specifically, modifying the same object from multiple threads without synchronization results in undefined behavior. On most real-world systems, the worst effects you see will probably be missing or double increments or decrements, but it could be much worse (memory corruption, crashing, file corruption, etc.). So just don't do it.

The next upcoming C and C++ standards will include atomic types which can be safely accessed from multiple threads without any synchronization API.

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R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 00:09