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C# best practice when serializing objects to file

I'm building a small app that needs to save an object to a file in order to save user data. I have two questions about my serialization to this file :

  1. The object I'm creating has some public properties and an event. I added the [Serializable] attribute to my object, and then realized I can't serialize an object with an event in it. I then discovered that I can just add an attribute above my event [field:NonSerialized] and it will work. Is this the best way to do this, or should I try to build my Serializable objects without any events inside ?

  2. The object I'm serializing saves some user settings about the app. These settings aren't sensitive enough to go about encrypting them in the file, but i still don't want them to be tampered with manually without opening my application. When i serialize my object to a file using a plain BinaryFormatter object, via the Serialize() method, I see readable names of .net object types in the file i'm saving this to. Is there a way for someone to reverse engineer this and see what's being saved without using my program ? Is there a way for someone to build a small application and find out how to DeSerialize the information in this file ? If so, how would i go about hiding the information in this file ?

Are there any other tips/suggestions/best practices i should stick to when going about serializing an object to a file in this kind of scenario ?

Thanks in advance!

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gillyb Avatar asked Dec 17 '10 23:12


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1 Answers

If your object implements the ISerializable interface, you can control all the data that is stored/serialized yourself, and you can control the deserialization.

This is important if your project evolves in time. Because you might drop some properties, add others, or change the behaviour.

I always add a version to the serialization bag. That way I know what was the version of the object when it was stored, and I therefor know how to deserialize it.

class Example : ISerializable {
   private static const int VERSION = 3;

   public Example(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) {
      var version = info.GetInt32("Example_Version", VERSION);
      if (version == 0) {
         // Restore properties for version 0
      if (version == 1) {
         // ....

   void ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) {
       info.AddValue("Example_Version", VERSION);
       // Your data here


And if you do not encrypt, it will be very easy to "read" your data. Very easy meaning you might have to invest a couple of hours. If the data you store is worth a couple of days, this means it is easy, if it is only worth a couple of minutes it is hard. If you get the point.

A very easy way to encrypt your data is using the Windows DPAPI through the ProtectedData class.

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GvS Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 20:10