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C algorithm for calculating norm/inner product





I have a need to check if a point in R^2 lies in a circle of relatively large radius r (up to 10^5). Obviously I would normally just compare the inner product to r^2, but this is in an embedded environment and this isn't going to work on int32_t values that are large enough since the quadratures will overflow the type (max 32 bit types).

Possible solutions:

I could manually kludge a 64 bit product out of two 32 bit ints (probably what I'll end up doing).

I could divide everything by 10 (or any value) then do the usual inner product comparison, but I loose precision.

I could try to check inside an n-gon inscribed in the circle, but that is a lot of calculation, tables, etc. and I still loose precision.

Is there an algorithm that is typically used for this sort of thing?

like image 784
TrivialCase Avatar asked Jan 09 '21 22:01


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2 Answers

I'm afraid computing the 64-bit results is the simplest solution. Check if your compiler can generate efficient inline code for this:

int check_distance(int x, int y, int r) {
    return (long long)x * x + (long long)y * y <= (long long)r * r;

If the generated code seems too slow, you can add a test to check if 64-bit operation is required. Assuming x, y and r are positive, here is a solution using unsigned arithmetics and exact width types from <stdint.h>:

int check_distance(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t r) {
    if (x <= 46340 && y <= 46340 && r <= 0xffff) {
        /* 32-bit unsigned expression does not overflow */
        return x * x + y * y <= r * r;
    } else {
        return (uint64_t)x * x + (uint64_t)y * y <= (uint64_t)r * r;

Notice the constant 46340 which is floor(sqrt(pow(2, 31))): If both x and y are greater than this value, x*x + y*y will exceed 232.

Here is an alternative with a quicker test, but that will fall back to 64-bit operation for slightly smaller values:

int check_distance(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t r) {
    if ((x | y | r) <= 0x7fff) {
        /* 32-bit unsigned expression does not overflow */
        return x * x + y * y <= r * r;
    } else {
        return (uint64_t)x * x + (uint64_t)y * y <= (uint64_t)r * r;

Then if you really don't want to use the compiler's 64-bit arithmetics, you can write the computation explicitly. Considering the range of x, y and r specified as <= 100000, shifting the values right 2 bits keeps x and y below 46340:

int check_distance(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t r) {
    if (x <= 46340 && y1 <= 46340 && r1 <= 0xffff) {
        /* 32-bit unsigned expression does not overflow */
        return x * x + y * y <= r * r;
    } else {
        /* shift all values right 2 bits to keep them below 46340 */
        uint32_t x0 = x & 3;
        uint32_t y0 = y & 3;
        uint32_t r0 = r & 3;
        uint32_t x1 = x >> 2;
        uint32_t y1 = y >> 2;
        uint32_t r1 = r >> 2;
        uint32_t x2_lo = x0 * (x0 + x1 * 8);
        uint32_t y2_lo = y0 * (y0 + y1 * 8);
        uint32_t d2_lo = x2_lo + y2_lo;
        uint32_t d2_hi = x1 * x1 + y1 * y1 + (d2_lo >> 4);
        uint32_t r2_lo = r0 * (r0 + r1 * 8);
        uint32_t r2_hi = r1 * r1 + (r2_lo >> 4);
        return d2_hi < r2_hi || (d2_hi == r2_hi && (d2_lo & 15) <= (r2_lo & 15));

Finally, shifting values by 5 bits allows for numbers up to 1000000:

int check_distance(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t r) {
    if (x <= 46340 && y1 <= 46340 && r1 <= 0xffff) {
        /* 32-bit unsigned expression does not overflow */
        return x * x + y * y <= r * r;
    } else {
        /* shift all values right 5 bits to keep them below 46340 */
        uint32_t x0 = x & 31;
        uint32_t y0 = y & 31;
        uint32_t r0 = r & 31;
        uint32_t x1 = x >> 5;
        uint32_t y1 = y >> 5;
        uint32_t r1 = r >> 5;
        uint32_t x2_lo = x0 * (x0 + x1 * 64);
        uint32_t y2_lo = y0 * (y0 + y1 * 64);
        uint32_t d2_lo = x2_lo + y2_lo;
        uint32_t d2_hi = x1 * x1 + y1 * y1 + (d2_lo >> 10);
        uint32_t r2_lo = r0 * (r0 + r1 * 64);
        uint32_t r2_hi = r1 * r1 + (r2_lo >> 10);
        return d2_hi < r2_hi || (d2_hi == r2_hi && (d2_lo & 1023) <= (r2_lo & 1023));

All of the above versions produce exact results for the specified ranges. If you do not require exact result, you can just shift the values to bring them within the proper range and perform the 32-bit computation:

int check_distance(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t r) {
    while (x > 46340 || y > 46340 || r > 0xffff) {
        x >>= 1;
        y >>= 1;
        r >>= 1;
    /* 32-bit unsigned expression no longer overflows */
    return x * x + y * y <= r * r;
like image 162
chqrlie Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 00:10


The maximum radius you can have, using the premises you have described is 100000, which leads to a squared modulus of 10 000 000 000, which requires (as all numbers are positive) 35 bit integer (of unsigned square radius) to be represented.

Based on these premises, and the fact that you have no easy way to get 64bit integers, and having quite low extra bits, we can scale the results four bits in norm (two bits in the source coordinates) to achieve full capacity to handle upto 100000 coordinates in a 32bit unsigned integer.

In my first edition of this answer, I assumed using only one shift in the coordinates was enough to handle the full set of values (two bits in the calculated norm), and losing 1 bit of precision was considered, but I was wrong and one extra bit was needed. It is needed to shift the results at least three bits to hold the full set of inputs, so I decided to scale the coordinates two bits, and so the results would be scaled by four. As I decided also to always scale, and return the fraction of a square unit as an integer ranging from 0 to 15 (in sixteenths of a square unit). So you will achieve exact results by comparing first the integer parts of the two points and use the fractional parts, in case the integer parts match. This makes the computation and the meaning of the results returned back more coherent than earlier, and gives you complete exactitude with integer coordinates.

You requested a working implementation, so I have posted one for you below:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

/* calculate the square of a divided by four number and
 * accumulate the fraction (in sixteenths of a square unit)
 * into the reference pointed by frac_p.  */
square_of_div16(uint32_t x, int *frac_p)
    /* we use (IP + FP)^2 = IP^2 + 2*IP*FP + FP^2 */

    uint32_t int_part    = x >>  2;                /* divide by four */
    uint32_t frac_part   = x & 0x3;                /* mod 4 */
    uint32_t int_result  = int_part  * int_part;   /* square of IP */
    int      frac_result = frac_part * frac_part;  /* square of FP */
    uint32_t mixed_prod  = int_part  * frac_part;  /* IP*FP */

    int_result  +=  mixed_prod >> 1;
    frac_result += (mixed_prod & 1) << 3;
    if (frac_result >= 0x10) { /* carry process */
        int_result  += frac_result >> 4;
        frac_result &= 0x0f;
    if (frac_p) *frac_p += frac_result; /* accumulate */
    return int_result;

/* this calculates the squared norm scaled to one sixteenth
 * of the original coordinates (scaled by one fourth).
 * The ref_fraction pointer is a reference of a variable to
 * accumulate the fraction sixteenths of a square unit.  If
 * you are not interested in the fraction value, you can just
 * pass NULL as parameter. */
norm_scaled(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, int *ref_fraction)
    int fraction = 0;
    uint32_t result = 0;

    result += square_of_div16(x, &fraction);
    result += square_of_div16(y, &fraction);

    if (ref_fraction)
        *ref_fraction += fraction; /* the excess */

    return result;

/* TEST MAIN PROGRAM.  Just input pairs of coordinates in the
 * same line (separated by spaces) and calculate the squared
 * norm of the vector, scaled by 1/16 (accumulating the
 * fraction of the value in 1/16s of a square unit in the
 * location referenced.  This is done using double floating
 * point numbers and uint32_t integers. */
int main()
    char line[256];
    while (fgets(line, sizeof line, stdin) != NULL) {
        int x = 0, y = 0, fraction = 0;

        sscanf(line, "%u%u", &x, &y);

        uint32_t norm_16th = norm_scaled(x, y, &fraction);

        printf("Trying (%u, %u) => %u (fraction = %d/16)\n",
                x, y, norm_16th, fraction);

        double norm_sq_16th
            = (double) x/4.0 * (double)x/4.0
            + (double) y/4.0 * (double)y/4.0;

        printf("squared norm scaled: %.8f\n", norm_sq_16th);
    printf("Program finished\n");

The function square_of_div16 calculates a scaled modulus divided by 16 of a number, so we can reuse it to calculate the squares of x and y coordinates. The function takes a pointer frac_p to an integer variable to store the fraction part (in sixteenths of a square unit)

The function norm_scaled then calculates the norm, by using the square_of_div16 function and adding both results. The fractional part is accumulated for both calls and the result is accumulated to the referred variable by pointer ref_fraction. A carry processing is done in here, to give correct results.

Finally a main() routine is in charge of querying the user to input pairs of coordinates and calculate the scaled norm of the resulting vector by calling the function and using the squares pithagorean formula applied to double values. The results should be the same in all cases.

like image 2
Luis Colorado Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 02:10

Luis Colorado